My name is Norbert (nickname Babe)

I was born 86 + years ago. My father died when I was 8 days old. My mother never remarried and raised her four children.

As I understand, before my father died, he requested my mother to send us children to a parochial school. I learned a lot about the “system” but not about God’s Holy Word, the Bible.

By believing the system teaching I thought that was all I needed to know about salvation (Yeshua) and where I was going to spend eternity.

About eighteen years ago we moved, to where we now live, and met John M., and started attending the Bible Study he was teaching. It was the Word of God and not a system teaching.

I am thankful to my Heavenly Father (the living God) for His love for all mankind.

The Holy Bible has all the answers to what man needs to know to spend Eternity in heaven with “HIM”

In Him,
