Blood Covenant Related Reference Works

Beloved, what follows is not a usual Bibliography; instead it is a listing of materials that have been helpful to inform our understanding of Blood Covenants, their purpose and how they work. The list itself is a work in progress and additional materials will be added as we continue our studies and discover more about this amazing subject. They’re listed in no particular order and available from various sources. When available, contact information on where we found them is included for your convenience.


The Blood Covenant

A primitive rite and its bearings on Scripture
By H. Clay Trumbull
Impact Christian Books, Inc.
332 Leffingwell, Suite 101
Kirkwood, MO 63122

Eternity in Their Hearts (Revised)

Startling evidence of belief in the one true God in hundreds of cultures throughout the world
By Don Richardson
Regal Books, a division of Gospel Light
Ventura, CA 93006
Printed in U.S.A.

The Salt Covenant

As based on the significance and symbolism of salt in primitive thought
By H. Clay Trumbull
Impact Christian Books, Inc.
332 Leffingwell, Suite 101
Kirkwood MO 63122

The Power of the Blood Covenant

Uncover the secret strength in God’s Eternal Oath
By Malcolm Smith
Harrison House, Inc.
P.O. Box 35035
Tulsa, OK 74153
Printed in U.S.A.

Lost in Translation, Volume I

Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith

By John Klein & Adam Spears with Michael Christopher
Lost in Translation
P.O. Box 8224
Bend, OR 97708

Printed in U.S.A.

Lost in Translation, Volume II

Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith

By John Klein & Adam Spears with Michael Christopher
Lost in Translation
P.O. Box 8224
Bend, OR 97708

Printed in U.S.A.

Lost in Translation, Volume III

Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith

By John Klein & Adam Spears with Michael Christopher
Lost in Translation
P.O. Box 8224
Bend, OR 97708

Printed in U.S.A.


Malcolm Smith Song of the Covenant


[Added 10/28/23]

Malcolm Smith Psalms 23 Surely


[Added 10/17/23]

Are You Ready for the Last Days? by Rick Renner


[Added 08/07/23]

The Most Important Word by Rick Renner


[Added 08/07/23]

Not Even Now, song by Alisa Turner


[Added 06/19/23]

Death Before Dishonor by Jamie Walden, Omega Dynamics


[Added 06/19/23]

Regaining the Spirit of Victory by Asher Intrater, Tikkun Global


[Added 06/19/23]

Do You Know What's Coming


[Added 09/04/22]

Transhumanism and the Human Enhancement Revolution

[Added 09/04/22]

Twelve o'Clock High

1949 Movie

[Added 04/15/22]

Wild Balkans - Dance of the starlings


[Added 04/15/22]

The Partnership Behind the World's Fastest Blind Sprinter

[Added 03/30/22]

Francis Chan at Life Mission Church

A Life Surrendered
[Added 08/02/2021]

Candice Smithyman, Your Path to Destiny

Shift Your Mindset & Start Seeing MIRACLES 

[Added 07/02/21]

One For Israel Ministry

God’s Rapture, The Call to Come Out, The Call of Faith 

[Added 07/02/21]

Carolyn Scott & ‘Rookie’

Dog and Owner Dance Routine 

[Added 07/02/21]

One for Israel Ministry

Taking the Name in Vain

Carriers of the Name, Joseph an image of Yeshua, and History in the Making – Pod for Israel

[Added 05/06/21]

Jamie Walden, Omega Dynamics

Living in Hostile Territory, Pt. 12 – Masons Be Warned

[Added 05/06/21]

AoC Network (Ambassadors of Christ)

I Must Confess a Struggle I’ve Had… Commit to the Lord Before the Crisis

Testimony from Jerren, the AoC Network narrator.

[Added 04/29/21]

AoC Network

How to Survive in the Last Days

[Added 10/13/20]

Jamie Walden

Practical Tactical

A newly-developed disciple training program to help disciples learn to cope, support each other, and find ways to ‘make do’ and ‘survive’ during times of chaotic, world-shaking societal upheaval. [Added 10/05/20]

FAI Ministries (Frontier Alliance International)

Covenant and Controversy Part 1:

The Great Rage
[Added 07/25/20]

FAI Ministries (Frontier Alliance International)

Covenant and Controversy Part 3:

The Great Trouble
[Added 07/25/20]

FAI Ministries (Frontier Alliance International)

Covenant and Controversy Part 2:

The City of the Great King
[Added 07/25/20]

Jamie Walden

The Big Picture

An interview with Derek Gilbert –

(Begin at the six minute point and go to the 28:00 minute point – This portion pertains to the awesome radical impact that God’s Blood Covenant Reality brings into each human heart when the Holy Spirit is free to pierce and penetrate and utterly transform each wicked, granite-solid heart from among the children of the first Adam that opens up to the proclamation of the Word of God throughout this fallen world.) [Added 07/25/20]

The Blood Covenant

E.W. Kenyon

(Audio Version of his hard to find book)

God in the Covenant

Charles Spurgeon

Dutch Sheets “Give Him 15 Daily Prayer Devotional”

Checkmate Is Coming

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural

Sid Roth with guest Craig Hill

One item of clarification to what you will see in the early part of this video… Mr. Hill makes a statement that he does not believe God is in control and, of course, this seems contrary to our teachings about God’s absolute authority over all creation. But then Mr. Hill goes on to explain the context of that statement – he sees sovereignty and control as different in the sense that control can indicate forcing someone to do something against their will. We believe that understanding his definition will assist in being able to grasp the depth of blood covenants as he continues his story without being sidetracked by this original statement.


God’s School, Fire School of Ministry

Disciple Training Material 

[Added 07/02/21]

How a Flock of Birds Can Fly and Move Together