Follow Me Ministries

Dear friend: Thank you for visiting our FMM Family’s website. To help you understand who we are and what we do, click on the ‘About’ section tab that appears above. Then when a menu descends, select the, ‘What Are We?’ section. There you’ll see a general profile that describes those of us who make up the Follow Me Ministry team and describes what we do, and why. The short answer to the ‘What we do’ question is:

We do whatever we can to help disciples-in-training as they go through their basic training ‘boot camp’ regimens. We assist and expedite their efforts to become as effectively ‘combat ready’ as possible.

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Follow Me Ministries came into being during January-March, 2011. Our ministry purpose is: to enhance the training that the risen Lord Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah of Israel, gives to His personal Jewish and non-Jewish New Covenant disciples. We will endeavor to serve those who have received His call to this level of discipleship by providing Bible-based meditations that are meant to instruct and serve as ‘training material.’ The material will help to…

The Mystery of Sharing in God’s Power

Beloved Family… if you ponder the tremendous depths of meaning in chapter 11 of John’s Gospel, about what took place between Lazarus, who was dead in his tomb, and the Lord of Glory, it will help you understand what I’d like to convey to you through this message. In that text, God reveals that His Living Word made flesh is here to bring all of us to Life. We, as a race, have been dead since the Serpent murdered our first parents (in Genesis 3) by luring them into Sin…

What Are We?

The originator of the Follow Me Ministry is named John Marquez. He has worked with several Christian ministries for many years. There are two articles posted on this website that give ample information on his personal background, how he became what he is, and why he does what he does. The first article is biographical. You can find it in the ‘Biblical Meditations’ section of this website. It is article number 1 in the Genesis section…

The Original "Marching Orders"

The directives listed below are what I believe the Lord pointed out to me, indicating that He wanted Me to follow them. That happened in 1988, when I first began, with great trepidation and prayer, to try to structure and write my original Christ-Life Ministry material. After I became aware of these directives, my intent was to follow them in everything I did with the Christ-Life and Ultimate Journey Ministry…

The No. 1 Core Issue

The basic issue for Last Days’ New Covenant disciples is this: Do you REALLY BELIEVE your Messiah rose from the dead and is here with you now, at all times?  This website will offer an ever-growing body of material to help you, as you learn to believe, trust, obey and cooperate with our risen Lord, Yeshua the Messiah. And the second article will focus on what it will take to learn to abide and interact with Him…

Statement of Faith

The Follow Me Ministry Statement of Faith: The Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the one and only true God. He is the sole Maker, Provider, Sustainer, Protector and Lord of all Creation. He exists eternally in three persons — The Father and His Living Word (Son) and His Holy Spirit. Each is a perfect manifestation of the one God and God’s manifestations abide in a perfect, eternal composite unity…

For My Ultimate Journey Family...

In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, I began the Christ-Life Ministry. The Lord had put me in a unique position, as a Teen Challenge staff member. I was given a job to do that had never been tried before. Instead of being assigned to work for and with the live-in students that came to the Teen Challenge program, I was entrusted with the task of creating an outreach ministry to the general public. It was my job to try to help people…

What Does The Enemy Intend?

Those of us who have been involved in Ultimate Journey and Follow Me Ministries are accustomed to repetition. In these materials it has been, and still is, purposely applied because we know that repetition is the mother of mastery and skill – thus a very important part of our discipleship training.
I mention this because this current article contains some of the same verbiage that you would have read in the previous article…

Naked Before God

First the Bad News…Then the Good News

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ He said, ‘I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.’ And He said, ‘Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?’” (Gen. 3:7-11)

Articles & Teachings

Discover all of our writings and teachings here.

Statement of Faith

Learn about what we believe.

Contact & Support

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Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation: What Is It Like To Be One With God? – Meditation #14

Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already provided for us in the...

Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation How Do Circumcised Hearts Love? – Meditation #13

Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already provided for us in the...

The Big Surprise

Dear friend: Thank you for visiting our website. To help you understand who we are and what we do, click on the 'About' section tab that appears above. Then when a menu descends, select the, 'What Are We?' section. There you'll see a general profile that describes those of us who make up...

Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation: A Temple Made of Living Stones – Meditation #12

Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already provided for us in the...

Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation Blood Brothers Forever – Meditation #11

Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already provided for us in the...