Dear Ones,

As we launch this new Questions and Answers section of the website, we’d like to begin with an overview of our perspectives, understandings and goals.  First and foremost, it’s important for the reader to know that according to our Statement of Faith, our bottom line is always “What does God say about it?”  As such, the written Word (Bible) and as it is further revealed by the Living Word through the work of the Holy Spirit, is our Capital ‘S’ (one and only) Source.  We believe God alone has the final word over all of His creation and is the final authority as its Creator, Sustainer, King and Lord.

We are also aware that the natural human state is limited in its capacity for understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6) which is why it’s so important that we look to Him.  Humans also come from many different backgrounds and world views and understandings.  So we may not always begin on the same page.  And whether or not we end up on the same page after corresponding with one another is in His hands.  For our part, you have our solemn pledge that we will treat each inquiry with kindness and respect.  Our goal is not to confront or correct or fix.  Instead, our responses will lay out what we see in the Word as clearly as we’re able, and trust in the Holy Spirit to bring further revelation to His disciples (here in Omaha and wherever the writers may live).

What I’m about to say next may seem a little odd, but if God was able to talk to Balaam through a donkey, I’m convinced He can speak through anything. One ‘anything’ the Lord has used to convey His Truths to me through the years is the medium of fairy tales.  The story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ is one that occurs to me as we pray for guidance in how God wants us to handle the questions and comments people may send to us.

[If you’re unfamiliar with the story, here’s a brief synopsis from Wikipedia: “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, a child cries out, “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!” The tale has been translated into over a hundred languages. And here is a link to the full story (other slightly different or more comprehensive versions are also available online):]

Let me explain:  It is inevitable that some will disagree with things we say or what they think we’re saying.  So how should we respond to hostile questions and comments that may come our way? When we’re in that position we’ll be torn between our desire to establish rapport with the people and our duty to God and our Covenant commitment and responsibility to abide as one with His Word and Spirit. The Covenant requires us to make sure nothing ever stands between us and Him.

And that’s where the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes comes in. It presents us with a ‘target’ or a ‘goal’ we must always keep before us. That story teaches us to value and seek after Truth and to place it as our top priority, right under God Himself. When God and His Truth are our top priority, then no matter what it may cost to honor and uphold His Truth and Will, we must do it, regardless of the consequences or situations being loyal to Him may lead us into.  Some verses that have informed our prayers in this regard are:

“Do not let kindness and Truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)

“Buy Truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom and instruction and understanding.” (Proverbs 23:23)

“If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free.” (John 8:31b-32)

In light of this, we believe it is the God-given duty of every disciple to keep the wisdom we can glean from the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes in mind.  It really won’t matter how many scheming tailors, or pompous emperors, or fearful gullible crowds of people may surround us; our identity remains firm:

  1. We are Covenant friends and disciples of God’s Living Word.
  2. Keeping Covenant with Him is our mandate and privilege.
  3. He is God’s Truth to the entire world.
  4. It is our duty to proclaim our Master as He really is, to the best of our ability, regardless of the cost.

We must, therefore, protect and highlight His Truth with the clarity and tenacity of that young child in the fairy tale. If the Holy Spirit exposes the emperor’s nakedness to our eyes (lies and deceptions from the Serpent), we dare not join in with those around us who fear the consequences of Truth more than they fear the consequences of lies and deception. Our Covenant with God prevents us from cooperating in covering the emperor’s nakedness with more delusionary lies.

We anticipate that the questions and comments we’ll receive in days to come will be diverse. But this is our target: in all things and at all times, we resolve to be utterly obedient and loyal to the living and written Word and Holy Spirit of God. And in being true to God’s Word, we will be true and faithful to everyone the Lord leads into our sphere of influence.

We will do our utmost to speak the Truth as truthfully as we see it…even while many others in the world are denying, contradicting or twisting it and trying to make it become something other than what it really is. But it isn’t God’s Light that must diminish. He is Perfect, He never changes, and He will not go away (Isaiah 9:7). It is darkness and deception that are on death row. Their days are numbered, and the Light of God’s Truth is Eternal.

We do not intend to be dogmatic, controlling or offensive with anyone. But even if some decide to perceive us in that light, we will continue to proceed with as much kindness and forbearance as possible. We will strive to speak and proclaim God’s living Word exactly as our Heavenly Father reveals Him to us through His Holy Spirit and His written revelation. And we believe it is important that those who will communicate and interact with us in the future know this about us in advance.

So as other questions come our way, here’s what we’ll be doing – just like with everything else we’re learning as His disciples, we’ll go first to Him.  Once we’ve received His direction, we’ll proceed as we normally do – we’ll prayerfully write, prayerfully review, and run the checks and balances He’s given us within the ‘home base’ team.  Then, it’ll be posted on the website.  Our goal won’t be to get it out there quick… our goal will be to get it out there right, according to what He’s saying. And, as always, we invite and encourage readers to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and search out the Scriptures yourselves, asking the Author to bring deeper revelation by His Spirit.

So once this first question and response are ready to go, you’ll find at the bottom of the Statement of Faith page, we’ll add a topical section that will contain a link to the subject and when people click, it’ll take them to the question and its response.  They’ll actually be housed on the Letters from Home page since it fits the original vision for that to be the ‘go to’ place for information from us to our worldwide family and friends.

We’re delighted to be on this journey of faith with our ever expanding FMM family and continue to ask Father to richly bless you and your loved ones with His abundant grace.

Your sister, Nancy