January 13, 2013 Letter from Home

Dear Ones,

We have had an exciting and amazing time here at “home base” in the past few weeks – the kind of things going on that put you on your knees in awe and thanksgiving to our mighty and matchless God!

John and the little FMM pilot group have been meeting, praying, and obeying whatever God has told us for two years now.  And in that short amount of time, our God has been quietly and steadfastly building part of His end times army of disciples in our midst (not just our Omaha midst, mind you… but all around the world in and through you).  The entire FMM family is part of it!

As you know, we’ve been building the website content based on what the Holy Spirit unfolds and leads us to do.  And by reading the most recent Family News we’ve received, it is abundantly clear that He has been prompting members of our FMM family-at-large to come and visit here in Omaha.  In fact, several of you are already making plans to do so.  [Note: our anonymity for safety standard is still in effect here, so I can’t go into great detail.]  And their plans caused us to make plans of our own.

For example, what our God’s been up to as He’s been growing His FMM disciple army has been a behind-the-scenes work.  We’ve had no leading or liberty to share much with the rest of the Adat* family until now.  This is the word picture Father gave John: when he and Adat connected eight years ago, a ‘marriage’ took place between them.  And two years ago, that marriage produced a baby, FMM.  And now this baby has children of her own… the FMM family.  And some of those grandchildren are now making plans to come to visit their ancestors at the family homestead.  So of course, the rest of the Adat family needed to be brought up to speed and to become aware of what has been quietly happening in our midst.

[*“Adat” is a shortened version of the full name “Adat HaTikvat Tzion” which in English means The Hope of Zion Congregation, our home for worship and fellowship.  It’s comprised of “Jewtiles” (Jews and gentiles) who love and exalt Yeshua while loving and choosing to live in submission to God’s Torah as well.  At the bottom right of our FMM home page, you’ll find a link to the Adat website where you can learn more about your ancestors in faith.]

So John met with Nate, the leader of the Adat congregation, and they decided it was time for John to break the silence. So at yesterday’s Shabbat service, he had the opportunity to bring the message in which he laid out the FMM story.  And, just like the FMM vision has captured hearts around the world through the website and booklets, the vision was caught at Adat.  When they heard the story unfolding, they too began to marvel and excitement grew as John wrapped up the FMM story by telling them that we had visitors coming soon.

In my prayer time weeks ago, I felt like God impressed on my heart that Adat was like Bethlehem in this sense… both were/are little, nondescript places filled with ordinary people living ordinary lives.  But God in His infinite wisdom, chose Bethlehem to bring forth His King.  And I believe He has invited Adat to join Him in becoming a last days point of entry through which to bring forth that King’s Kingdom.  And to that end, we are approaching the ‘fullness of time’ in which the FMM family and the Adat family connect at a much deeper and broader level.

I cannot tell you how excited I am!  In fact, I’ve been soaking in Don Potter’s song, “Prepare the Way” a lot lately.  It’s copyrighted so I can’t add all the lyrics here, but the theme is clear: prepare the way for the coming of the Son, hold fast to faith, and get ready!

One of the men who has greatly influenced my journey of faith is a dear man known as “Doc” (Pastor Elmer Murdoch).  He was fond of saying, “The best is yet to come!”  And you know what?  I believe that is exactly what’s unfolding before us… God’s best – for us, for our families, for our congregations, and for the world in which we live.  I think that as we continue to say “Yes!” to whatever God tells us to do, we will begin to see the same kind of validations we read about in the Scriptures… mighty and supernatural things because the mighty and supernatural God (finally!) has a body that is truly His.

I say that because I believe with all my heart that we are one of the ‘plantings of the Lord’ (see Isaiah 61:3) and as we each allow Him to shine forth through our yielded lives, His Kingdom will continue to spread until the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord (see Isaiah 11:9 and Habakkuk 2:14).  Yes, things in the world are getting darker.  But here’s the TRUTH – that same Light described in John 1 is now preparing to come again, this time in His Risen, Triumphant and Everlasting Glory!

May we stay the course and thus be found faithful at His glorious return!  And in the meantime, we will stand in His Truth, obey whatever He says, enthrone Him in our hearts, and kneel before our magnificent King, while giving all glory to Him alone!

In His Love,

Your sister, Nancy