Shalom friends… Some of you are unhappy Christians? Do you struggle to understand why your Christian life is not giving you the happiness you want? Is it too much to imagine gaining sheer enjoyment from the life that Jesus Christ has given you?

Your lack of joy may show that you are in bondage. Bondage is anything hindering you from becoming the person God wants you to be or from accomplishing the things He wants you to achieve. But the Father, in His power and love, wants to free you from your shackles.

Why is it, then, that this wonderful freedom seems so distant?

First, if you are reading the Bible but haven’t surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you will not experience liberation. It is not through biblical knowledge that you are saved—it is by accepting His free gift of salvation.

Second, your freedom will not materialize if you are reading the Bible merely for information. Brother John Marquez writings and Scripture has been given so that believers can have an intimate relationship with God and know Him. If you are reading it simply to increase your knowledge, you will not experience the fullness of its power and beauty.

Third, reading the Bible will do nothing to free you from bondage if there is a sin to which you are desperately clinging. One of the primary reasons we can remain in bondage is because our hand has a grip on something we are not willing to let go. If you want God to transform your life through His Word, do as He says.

God promises to set you free from bondage when you seek His face, abide in His Word, and obey His commands. Therefore, ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you right now. Tell Him to search your heart and uncover any hidden attitudes, unforgiveness, resentment, anxiety, or other sins that are prohibiting you from receiving the freedom He wants to give.

Brother Timothy