Your test, trial and tribulation didn’t come to stay; it came to pass. God will deliver you in due season. When we speak bad things, the devil says to God, ‘did you hear what so and so said?’ and so we wrongly see the problem as having greater authority and power than God! But when, in our estimation, we idolize and place problems over God, we take ourselves out of position to receive the awesome protection and provision He is always able and willing to give us. The Bible says that He gives us the power to speak life and death into any situation… so start speaking life today to your situation, and death to satan.
All of us know the life of Job and how his wife told him why don t you just curse God and die. Job told her “though he slay me yet will I trust him.” Just stand please and let God move. God tells us in the Bible that He will not put no more on us than what we can handle.
God loves us and He only wants us to love him back. So remember when it seems like God is so far away, He is the closest He has ever been. The word also says that He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. No weapon formed against you shall prosper… that means that no matter what satan throws at you, you can defeat the enemy and take back what he has stolen from you 7 times greater.
Brother Timothy