The Letters are just that – letters from the FMM Pilot Group to the FMM family at large.  They include our testimonies and other insights that have encouraged our hearts along our own discipleship journeys.

May, 2013 Letter From Home

Dear Ones, Boot camp continues here in Omaha – many very difficult circumstances, many opportunities to choose a Hebrews 11 depth of trust.  That chapter begins with a definition:  “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  Soak...

April, 2013 Letter from Home

Dear Ones, It’s been awhile since I’ve written and I’ve got two subjects on my mind at this time – one personal and one corporate. First, the personal:  Like Dad and Mum (and many others in the FMM family), I’ve also been in boot camp.  My available time has been...

March, 2013 Letter from Timothy

The Follow- Me- Ministries examines the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus as never before. It is based entirely on scripture. A single teaching can change people forever. Please is God calling your life to be a blessing to the hurt world today? You can help spread...

February, 2013 Letter From Timothy

Everybody has an amazing and great future in Him. We are all a chosen vessel for the God's glory. One day after my salvation, God gave me a vision, that I was  watching, some souls that are in hell fire, lifting their hands, Shouting and Crying, Lord please send any...

February, 2013 Letter From Home

Dear Ones, I’ve been reminded recently how often our brother Paul opened and closed his letters with beautiful affirmations and so I want to begin this letter with his greeting to the Philippians: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. ...

January 13, 2013 Family Letter from Home

January 13, 2013 Letter from Home Dear Ones, We have had an exciting and amazing time here at “home base” in the past few weeks – the kind of things going on that put you on your knees in awe and thanksgiving to our mighty and matchless God! John and the little FMM...
