As promised, here’s my more detailed introduction. Before I begin my story, please know that John and I (and others who may contribute articles to this website in the future) are following the practice of having our writings ‘sifted’. We present them for the inspection of a team of FMM family members here in Omaha. Then after they pass inspection, they are posted on the website. Most of us who have experience operating in organized religious circles know how easy it is for flesh and fluff to get in the way of true and honest transparency. So my goal in this introduction is to share a testimony of God’s goodness to one of His disciples so that He may receive the glory of which He is worthy. With that said, here is my story:

My current roles in day-to-day life consist of being a wife, mother, grandmother, legal secretary, worship dancer, prayer group leader, daughter, sister, friend, and whatever else may come along. My husband Dan and I just celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary. We have two grown sons of whom we’re very proud. Our oldest, Justin, and his wonderful wife, Amanda, have two sons of their own, Kyle and Jonathan. Our youngest, Josh, is single and a favorite and extraordinary uncle to Kyle and Jonathan. My mother heart rejoices in my sons – I see Father’s shepherd heart in Justin and His prophetic nature in Josh. And being “Nammy” to my precious grandsons is a “capital B” Blessing! Dan’s 92 year old mother lives with us and our children and grandchildren all live in town as well. We’re so blessed to be part of one another’s lives and I never want to take that for granted!

My journey of faith didn’t really start till I was a young adult. When my four sisters and I were growing up, our family was unchurched. We had been taught the Christmas story and the Easter story; we knew Jesus was God’s son, that He died for the sins of the world and that you had to believe in Him to go to heaven. Yeah, sure… I believe that. Total head knowledge, devoid of Life. And that’s where I dwelt until I was 28 years old. That’s when I met the first honest to goodness born again believer and when Justin was born, both the testimony of my friend and the miracle of our son’s birth awakened me to the REALITY of God.

My first prayer wasn’t really so much a declaration of faith as a desperate cry, something like, “God, if you’re real and if you can do anything to change me, I’m yours.” Boy, was He real! And boy, did I change! I was immediately transformed and not looking back. But like so many believers, I smuggled lots of ‘Egypt’ out with me. God in His tender mercy and amazing patience worked continually to clean out all that junk. Much of that process took place in commonly known Christian circles – prayer groups, Bible studies, conferences and ministries of various sorts. And I can truthfully say that He used it all.

Fast forward 20 years – my first exposure to the Christ Life Solution (now known as the Ultimate Journey) happened in 2000. It was like being born again… again. I was set free from lies I’d believed, lingering ‘stinking thinking’ and unfinished business. I saw for the first time God’s eternal Blood Covenant and His awesome plan for the beloved humans made in His image. I then spent the next decade involved in coordinating, starting and leading CLS groups around the Omaha metro area.

The year 2004 brought about my first exposure to messianic thought. It was like coming home to a place I had never known was Home. As I began to learn more about the roots of the faith I had embraced so many years ago, the best way I know to express it is that I knew I had come full circle, back to the beginning, back to where God had started taking me from the day I first repented.

I’ve been on the CLS journey and now the FMM journey with John for many years now. And it appears that Father is once again stretching my comfort zone by giving me the opportunity to be more involved in the website and its outreach. I’m looking forward to meeting and interacting with the rest of the FMM family as Father makes contact available through email – and I am so looking forward to the day when our beloved Messiah returns and we all worship at His beautiful feet together.

I’m so glad to be on this amazing journey of faith with so many precious family members around the world! If you would want to reach me, you can contact me directly at nlorimer4jesus  AT (my e-address was chosen long before I knew His real name was Yeshua); or feel free to use the “Contact Us” feature and your message will be passed on to me.

I bless you all in the Mighty Name of the Living God,

Your sister, Nancy