Dear Ones,

I have some exciting news for the Letters from Home readers… God has continued to inspire additional enhancements for this part of our communication.

First of all, I wanted to let you know we will soon have a separate “Letters from Timothy” section.  As you are aware, our Brother Timothy has a voice, a wisdom, and a heart that needs to be shared.  And we believe what he receives from the Spirit to share should be easily found.  Thus, this new section.  Because he has personally connected with so many of our FMM family members, we felt this was a natural ‘next step’ so we can help him stay in touch with the ever growing flock under his care.

Secondly, we received another cry for help in this month’s emails.  A dear sister who has been battling obsessive, condemning, out of control thoughts asks how, or even if, she can be freed from them.  And, of course, John had much wisdom to share with her.  Her question has birthed the next subject for our Q&A section – renewing our minds.

That also led to a wonderful new partnership here at ‘home base.’  Our sister Brenda is joining me in further populating the topical Q&A section.  Both Brenda and I (and many other disciples) have learned some of the profound truths that the Holy Spirit had imparted through John’s years of writing the Christ Life material.  Because it was so powerfully used in totally transforming us and so many other brothers and sisters, it made the perfect ‘seed’ to inform our responses and resources in this section.

Thus, it is my pleasure and great honor to welcome Brenda’s wisdom and compassion to be part of our FMM web outreach.  She and I will be sharing more on this subject in future posts because it’s so critical to our growth and maturity as true blood bought disciples of the King of Glory.  Our first joint posting is entitled Renewing Our Minds – Introduction.  There is much more to share in this regard because our mind is where so much of our old ‘stinking thinking’ has been stored and as we clear out that old toxic storehouse, it can be very helpful for others who ‘have been there, done that’ to share their tips and experiences.

As you read the Q&A postings, please remember that those subjects have been birthed in the pain and struggle of ones who have reached out through the FMM website, so please be faithful to pray that the healing Father desires to pour out will reach into the depths of the need, regardless of where that need may be.

May the Spirit water our words and impart new hope and understanding of Yeshua’s total and complete victory over the enemy of our souls, and may each member of the FMM family continue growing and multiplying till His Truth reigns in earth as it does in Heaven.

In His Love,

Nancy and Brenda

P.S.  If the concept of ‘seed’ as it relates to life rather than crops or gardens is new, please consider this part of God’s perfect plan and provision for all humans:

Every human begins as a ‘seed’ (semen). God’s Word reveals that within each human seed are the identity, purpose and ultimate destiny of being God’s image and likeness! Obviously, with such an awesome God-given purpose put into each human seed, each seed is unbelievably precious!  Each one must be regarded with the ultimate of awe and respect. Each is to be accepted, protected, nurtured, fed and watered…to its full God-intended maturity and fruitfulness.

So despite what we see actually happening to these precious seeds in the real world, we would be wise and do well to begin to see in each seed, what God has put into them. He has entrusted the care of all of this into our hands.  So if we begin to see all of life – people, relationships, words, thoughts, choices, etc. in seed form, we can better help them to meet and fulfill the awesome potential and purpose that abides within them.

We know from Scripture that some of those secondary types of seeds come from God Himself. We also know that there are other seeds that God calls ‘tares.’ They come from the lies and delusions generated by Satan and his powers of Darkness (See Matthew 13). So we need wisdom and discernment to be able to recognize which seeds are to be protected, fed, watered and brought to full fruitful maturity, and which should not even be planted.