Dear Ones,

It’s my delight and privilege to launch the next website gift Father has given us ­Timothy’s monthly letters.  Before you dig into the richness of his messages, this reminder… as disciples working on a ‘need to know’ basis, we continue to wait on the Lord and take one step at a time as we learn to reflect our wonderful Savior through our lives and on the FMM website.

The way in which this new section has unfolded is this­Timothy emails John and me as he gets promptings and words from the Holy Spirit, and those emails come when and as he gets those words.  Sometimes there’s one a week, sometimes more than one on the same day.  So I’ll compile them just as we do the monthly Family News, and we’ll post what the Holy Spirit has given our precious brother to share in a monthly letter to the family.

In the years that I’ve walked with the Lord, I’ve had experiences of great trials and challenges (as does every disciple).  Sometimes, He met me right then and there; other times, I had to wrestle through as I was learning how to trust and rely upon Him even when I couldn’t see or sense what He was doing.  In those instances, He often gave me revelation later on that clearly revealed how He was involved and what He was doing in the midst of that situation.  So with that background understanding, I’ve dated Timothy’s letters so that you’ll know when they were given.  And it won’t surprise me in the least if we begin to receive feedback that the (date) message was so encouraging to some of our family members because they were dealing with something on that very day which was perfectly addressed in that (date) message.

So my prayer is that Timothy’s exhortations and teachings will bless all of the FMM family, just as they’ve blessed us already.  What follows is what we have received from him this month.  Enjoy! With love,

Your sister Nancy

11/03/12 – Dear beloved friend Nancy… Thank you very much once again for this Follow me ministries. Am happy that you are there for updating the progress of the site. Without you, It will be impossible to have news, teachings, testimonies and letters that are there. You have brought me and other hundreds of souls back To the essentials of Bible reading and pursuit in following Christ’s Commands through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Nancy, with so many preachers in our time, some are teaching half truth, while some are purely heresy and commercialism, the Christians of this generation are already confused. With this spirit filled and contextual teaching, Glory to God that John’s teachings, it helps us to realize the truth in the bible and find out the wrong teachings of this generation. Many regards to you dear Nancy. With Christ’s love, Timothy

11/04/12 – Dear sister Nancy…Very God, I have really admired your thoughts. It will be a great honor if I will have a chance on FMM Website for regular postings to encourage the family. My heart has much to pour on how the Holy Spirit connected me with the servant of God Pastor and dear Father in Faith John and Mary through the family program. I am so happy and thankful dear Nancy! Your blood brother, Timothy

11/10/12 – Dear friends… Reading the bible is not enough, but also to understand it and after that to share its truths with others. And because I wanted someone to help me to understand the Word of God, step-by-step in truth, Almighty God leaded me to chose the Discipleship bible course (Follow me ministries ) by brother John and Mary Marquez. Here I learned how to read the bible and how to take from it God’s message of faith, life and truth for myself. This opportunity to study the Word of God is a special gift for me, and my wish is that our Lord will bless all those which He is using in this work, And to move the hearts of many Christians to study and understand more and more the Word of God. My life has changed.

11/10/12 – Dear beloved covenant friend Nancy and Dad… I’m grateful to have this opportunity to share my faith testimony with you and to the world through FMM Site. God has placed in my heart the need to lift others up, to realize the depth of His mercy and grace. It’s only by His grace that I’ve been blessed with the ability to testify to the different people. My purpose is to reach the world… and bring everyone back to the Father of Jeshua.. I respect the pulpit (letter from home) I am honored to stand behind. I simply take the healing love of Jesus to broken and wounded hearts. My desire is to break down the walls or barriers that keeps people in the world from having that true and intimate relationship with Jeshua. The walls that ‘steal’ our prayer life because our image of the Father has been tainted by the hurts of our past. I just bring JESHUA….nothing else!!! Only HE can heal the broken hearted and set the captives free. (Isaiah 61, Luke 4:18-19) May HIS love fill your hearts and home this very day…

11/11/12 – Dear our brothers and sisters in Christ… We are thankful to the Lord that the work of Follow – me – ministries Africa is progressing apace. The “Discipleship training course” has just been presented to them – Students meets together in their countries to study.

Some of the students are in positions of leadership within their remote congregations and yet no one has had any kind of training in any Christian course. They work long distances ranging from 8 -30 miles on foot to come and attend the “Discipleship training” Course which is the first one on its kind. The feedback from the sessions are very positive. The students especially appreciate the fact that the training/teachings are brought to them within their own context and their own village. This once again confirms the suitability of the “Discipleship training” Course methods in situations where the church is not totally free.

We trust that this will be the beginning of something great in these countries where there is such a lack of training opportunities more especially in rural areas. We are therefore appealing to the Christians in the western world to support Follow me ministries has shown interest in training rural Christians of Africa and the world at large so that they unreached can be reached with the gospel of Jeshua. So far the students are also involved in some evangelism activities. They have started planting new churches in the villages where there are no churches. We say a big thanks to God for this opportunity… Light has finally come to the rural communities of Africa through FMM. In love, Timothy

11/16/12 – Hello…This Friday evening I’ll be sharing a testimony called “Don’t Waste Your Grace.” First of all, I thank God for bringing brother John and Mary into our lives. He is the answer of our prayers. He loves God with his heart and has a sweet Christian Spirit that comes across in his writings. In his teachings, he motivates servants to care for the sheep and the temple of God. However, he has a very unique gift that in his ability portrays a great men of the Bible. Truly, he is a blessing to many. Praise God for the work that he is doing!

It is through the grace of God… I love this message of Amazing Grace, that’s there’s nothing on the face of this world we can do to make God love us more, and nothing we can do to make God love us less. Grace is the message that Jesus son of God brought, One of my concerns as a Pastor is that we sometimes see people who hear the message of Grace, and then think, they don’t have to serve God, they can just abuse the Grace of God they’ve been offered, and live a selfish life. Dear brethren, we have been saved to serve!!!. We all have a calling & a mission from God, & God’s Grace saves us, & also empowers us to be who we are made to be. 2 Corinthians 9:8 tells us, ‘God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.’ Blessings and Peace from the Father to you all. Brother, Timothy

11/17/12 – My dear friends.. The hour is very late. Truly the harvest is great and plentiful. In fact the harvest is overripe. Joel 3:13. Now gathering the harvest that is overripe, you cannot use the same method we have used in the past. It needs great care and tenderness to ensure that the fruit is not damaged in the process. The world needs our light and love of Jeshua to shine in this dark world. For Jeshua love is all mercy, forgiving, self sacrificing.

My brothers and sisters, let our hearts be filled with mercy. For without mercy, Calvary would have become a picture of condemnation rather than forgiveness. Again, without mercy, there cannot be a genuine blessings flowing through us to reach out to others. My heart desire is that, I wanted you all to leave a mark behind that will impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Let us not delay any longer, lest we lose souls who are drowning out there in the lost world. Let us deliver this message of salvation to the dear precious lost as never before. Please, can you give your time, money, knowledge, your kind words, prayer, fasting, your talents and abilities, your smile or hug, love and mercy? May God bless you. Thank you!!! Brother, Timothy

11/17/12 – Hi… I have to say that my time with Pastor John and Mary Marquez has been such a learning and growing experience. And I look forward to learning and growing more in my Christian walk and in my life in general as I continue to learn through his Follow me Ministry. He always has an encouraging word and words of wisdom to speak into my life. I always walk away from reading his teachings feeling encouraged, feeling like I’ve accomplished something and feeling peaceful in God’s presence. Thank You Pastor John for all of your prayers, support and your ministry!!!

I pray that if someone is reading this and is just unsure as to where to turn or what to do in their life, that you will consider Pastor John Marquez ministry. The Lord has truly Blessed him and uses him to Bless so many people in so many ways. It will be a life changing experience. I know it has been life changing for me!!!!

11/18/12- The servant of God Pastor John… Thank you for your wonderful teachings. This is the Lord doing. The Lord has blessed you with a kind spirit, and it is an honor to receive the Lord’s word through you. You are one of the mighty men of God that we go to for a true word. I always pray for you brother, and every soul you touch in the name of Jeshua. Let the fruit of the Spirit released in every word be made manifest in you and your Follow me ministries. God bless you and keep you; may He cause His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; may He lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace!! Timothy

11/25/12 – Hi… As the young man who God has called by His will to be the servant of His dear Son and LORD Jesus Christ. I sense the very presence of God as I have gone deep the words and Biblical teachings of brother John Marquez. As there might be some of you reading this today who are currently not living in the way you ought to be living, or else you have turned away from God due to hurt or pain that you have endured. I’m here to tell you right now that due to what Jesus did at Calvary and by your simple faith in that Finished work on the cross as the only solution, you can once again have a right relationship with God. The power of God is such that It can reach down into the dark and murky waters of your life, and bring you my friends out of that bondage and place you into freedom, a freedom that is found in Christ, and Christ Alone. Glory to God!!! Your brother in the gospel of Jesus Christ, Timothy

11/29/12 ­ Praise the Lord everyone! I was brought up in a home filled with abuses. Our family never talked about God, nor did we go to church, pray, or read the Bible. Our home was as godless as a home could be. God was never mentioned, except in curse words. In His time, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord of my life. Then, I wanted a servant of God who can lead me to know God through His word. Glory to God! that He put us together with brother John and Mary Marquez from Follow- me- ministries who have been of such great blessings. My heart swells with love at the thought of being a part of such a wonderful FMM ministry. I had never known before that my life will turn to be a blessing to my family and the many families of the world.. He changed me from old to new life found only in Jesus Christ!!! Welcome my friend to the Lord’s family today!! The decision is yours!!!  Your friend, Timothy