I grew up in a family that always attended church, and Sunday School. My parents sponsored the Youth Group. BUT it was not until I was 27 and had a new baby that I met Yashua.

This is how it happened. I wanted that new baby to learn about Yashua so I bought a Child’s version of the Bible which I read to her and each day, holding her tight, I would say, “Good Morning, Yashua”, or “Good Night, Yashua”.  Then one day as I said this, Yashua spoke to me! He said, “How do you think that you can teach her about me when You do not know me???”

That started my search and I found Him.  I could now teach that baby, and the three that followed, about Yashua. I have taught many children and adults since, in several countries, in many different settings and cultures.  BUT the same Yashua.

After 46 years I continue to learn about Him and I know that I will until He makes my understanding complete as I see Him face to face.