Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already...
Learning to Operate in ‘New Covenant Resurrection Mode’ Part II: Our New Covenant Secret Weapon
Let’s consider one of the main skills our Last Days boot camp training intends to impart. It’s the skill of developing and living out from a deep understanding of the ‘Secret Weapon’ with which God wants to equip each of his disciples. He gives it to all of us; but...
Learning to Operate in ‘New Covenant Resurrection Mode’ Part 1: What God Wants To See In Us
“For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support THOSE WHOSE HEART IS COMPLETELY HIS!” (2 Chronicles 16:9 NASB, Emphasis added) Beloved, let the text above echo its Wisdom throughout the depths of your heart at all times! Be ever...
Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation How Do Circumcised Hearts Love? – Meditation #13
Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already...
The Big Surprise
Dear friend: Thank you for visiting our website. To help you understand who we are and what we do, click on the 'About' section tab that appears above. Then when a menu descends, select the, 'What Are We?' section. There you'll see a general profile that describes...
Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation: A Temple Made of Living Stones – Meditation #12
Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already...
Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation Blood Brothers Forever – Meditation #11
Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already...
Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation Power From On High – Meditation #10
Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already...
Marching Orders for The Stephen Generation God’s Blood Covenant Ways – Meditation #9
Our beloved fellow Last Days Disciples, this new series of articles is titled “Marching Orders for the Stephen Generation” and its purpose is to enhance our understanding of what we Last Days Disciples can expect in the coming days… and what our Father has already...
Our Last Days Secret Weapon
Beloved Family... today let’s try to unpack a deep, hard to comprehend fact of life that Holy Spirit put into this text: “For by grace you have been saved through faith; AND THIS IS NOT OF YOURSELVES, IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD; NOT A RESULT OF WORKS, so that no one may...
Preparing for the Final Showdown
Beloved Family... Let’s consider two negative situations in the lives of Yeshua’s first century generation of disciples that Holy Spirit recorded for us in the book of Acts. When people see the accounts of these situations, many skim past and move to more pleasant...
The Ultimate Trojan Horse Strategy
Beloved Family... for those of us who will be serving our risen Lord during the Last Days, our Heavenly Father embedded a ‘Trojan Horse-like’ strategy for us throughout His apostolic writings. I refer to texts like First and Second Corinthians for example. There is...