Month: November 2012

Sandra’s Story

I grew up in a family that always attended church, and Sunday School. My parents sponsored the Youth Group. BUT it was not until I was 27 and had a new baby that I met Yashua. This is how it happened. I wanted that new baby to learn about Yashua so I bought a Child’s...

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Brenda’s story

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua!  This is my story… I am the oldest of 6 children, with 1 brother and 4 sisters.  My father was a laborer, and my mother was a teacher.  We attended Lutheran churches, and went to Sunday School.  I heard Bible stories and the story...

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Sheila’s story

When I was in my twenties, I didn't know God or even really believed that He existed.  Then some friends of mine told me about Him, and I began to wonder, "Is it true?  Could He really be real?" One day I said to Him, "God, if you're real, take me up to where you are....

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Q&A – Spiritual Gifts

SPIRITUAL GIFTS ORIGINAL WEBSITE INQUIRY – I did not see anything in the statement of faith about the Holy Spirit concerning the validity of the gifts for today as referenced in the listed scripture. What is the teaching of the ministry in this area. Mark 16:17-18; 1...

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