The Big Surprise

Dear friend: Thank you for visiting our website. To help you understand who we are and what we do, click on the 'About' section tab that appears above. Then when a menu descends, select the, 'What Are We?' section. There you'll see a general profile that describes...

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Our Only Way of Escape

Beloved fellow disciples, This critical teaching brings into focus some of the foundational understandings for disciples to learn and apply. The revelations regarding the Path of Least Resistance and Structures – what they are, and how they function – have been real...

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Do Not Be Deceived…

There Are Always Hooks Beneath The Bait   Beloved Family... I recently finished reading Tim Alberino’s book entitled: ‘Birthright’. For me, it proved to be a significant and important ‘eye-opener’. As I continue to process the things I began to learn as I made my...

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Only in the Wilderness

Only in the Wilderness Beloved Family… a long time ago, in 1965, I seriously began to study the Bible. And that is when the Lord began to show me something about what Scripture refers to as, ‘The Wilderness.’ I would repeatedly see a vast panorama in my mind’s eye… of...

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Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done Beloved, the title of this article is part of a very familiar prayer most commonly known as The Lord’s Prayer or The Disciple’s Prayer. Most probably, each of us has prayed these very words countless times. In fact, it may well be...

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