
Ex. 67 The Two Paths

Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to Destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to Life, and there are few who find it.” (Emphasis...

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Family News – February 2015

Dear Ones, In the past several months of Family News, you’ve seen several of our FMM family members express their desire to come to visit “Home Base” and, no doubt, many of you have been praying with them (as we have) that our God would make a way for that to happen. ...

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Family News – January 2015

Dear Ones, It’s hard to believe we’re beginning our fourth year together already, isn’t it?  Our amazing God has done so very much in us and among us these last three years! And I am convinced that we are about to see more and more of His awesome majesty and might as...

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Family News – December 2014

Dear Ones, This month’s introduction is lengthy but I think these three key subjects are timely and important for us to consider.  First, an admonition from the Word that will strengthen and encourage our hearts as the news we hear and see from around the world...

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Family News – November 2014

Dear Ones, As I was finishing the November Family News compilation, my heart was once again filled with gratitude to our God.  As each of you shared your journeys of faith with us and then we are enabled to share them with the rest of the Follow Me Family, I know all...

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Family News – October 2014

Dear Ones, This month’s Family News introduction is from John (Dad) – it began as a response to the encouragements found in the first listed Family News letter, both of which are a beautiful word of exhortation for us all.  Enjoy! With love always, Your sister Nancy...

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