
Family News – July 2013

Dear Ones, As you know from the Family News Bulletin Board, one of our dear brothers was involved in an accident this month that required a hospital stay and surgery.  And (of course!) our God proved Himself faithful once again in meeting his needs and those of his...

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Family News – June 2013

Dear ones, We have another month filled with amazing stories of how our blessed Lord is advancing His Kingdom through disciples who were willing to say, “Yes!” when they heard Him say, “Follow Me!”  You’ll read stories that will make your heart soar, and some that...

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Family News – May 2013

Dear Ones, My apologies for the long wait for our May family mail… the last couple of months for me have been filled to overflowing with things clamoring for my time and attention.  Nonetheless, it’s such a blessing to know that our faithful God is in control!  What a...

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