Beloved Family... Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of Gospel appeals given by a great variety of modern day preachers and teachers. Many, although sincerely given and well-intended, were what I would call ‘seeker friendly appeals’ that are intentionally reduced or...
God’s Eternal Blood Covenant Pattern
What True Disciples Always Do – Part 2
Beloved, what caused the early first century family of the Lord’s disciples to be so determined and so focused, and so persistent in the Invasion of this demon-possessed world that God had entrusted to their charge? How were they able to withstand the hatred and...
What True Disciples Always Do – Part 1
I chose the title of these articles to highlight what Scripture tells us should be the true habitual focus and intent of every authentic disciple. This is especially significant and important for those whom the Lord has chosen and called into His service during the...
The Royal Priesthood
In the Name of Yeshua
Beloved Family… have you ever really considered how tremendously strong in our human nature the attraction of Sin actually is? How many times have you struggled, or have seen others struggle to overcome deeply-embedded, highly-developed sin patterns to which many of...
The View From the Resurrection Side of the Cross
Beloved Family, when I believe the Lord has given me a download to share with the people in my sphere of influence, I do my best to write it out accurately and then I deliver it. But very often, either because the Holy Spirit prompts me, or because my mind keeps...
The Great ‘Shaking’ Is Now Underway
Beloved Family… I noticed something in chapter 16 of Mark’s Gospel that really captured my attention. Here’s the part that really got to me: “After He had risen early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Miriam of Magdala, from whom He had driven out...
Loving Him With ALL Your Heart – Part 2
Beloved Family… In the first segment of this message, we saw that awesome bond of love, trust and devotion that humans and dogs develop with each other. This is very similar to what becomes possible when we finally realize how much our Messiah loves and values us, and...
Loving Him With ALL Your Heart – Part 1
Beloved Family… At this time, I sense that the Lord is drawing my attention back to things that were shared with the FMM Family in the past. They are on our website… and were posted in the past. But I fear they have been forgotten because now, they’re lost in the...
The Lightning Bolt of Sudden Revelation
The Lightning Bolt of Sudden Revelation Beloved Family… Ever since the FMM ‘seed’ was first planted into my heart, I’ve become much more aware of the sad, ever-worsening condition of our fallen, broken world, and the current generations that populate it at this time....
The Lord And His Levite
The Lord And His Levite
There Is Only One in Whom We Can Trust
There Is Only One in Whom We Can Trust Beloved Family… I offer some thoughts that are, no doubt, extremely important elements in our boot camp training for the combat that lies ahead. And I believe it has a connection to what is meant by being ‘covered and protected’...