Dear Ones,
I’m so sorry it’s taken this long for me to get our April Family News published. This month was more hectic for me than usual and my normal free time wasn’t so free after all. You know how we often refer to the issues of life as “raw material” – that stuff that isn’t finished yet until God is done? My raw material has been plentiful lately and it’s made it difficult to find quiet, uninterrupted time to focus on this month’s mail. Once I was able to work on it, I was reminded again how very much God loves all of us – no matter where we live, what we’ve done, what we know, or what we can do or give – His love is abundantly poured out and His heart is that we would know His love and live out from it each and every day.
Recently I’ve been listening to an old teaching tape by Dudley Hall, a dear brother from Texas who had spoken at our church many years ago. In this particular tape, he was speaking about the gospel being a promise – not a “to do” list. We don’t do a promise – we simply believe it. And I thought once again how often here in the world we have a tendency to get things mixed up and think that God’s favor and love are based on us ‘getting it right’ – and that is not true! He’s the One who ‘got it right’ for us, and as us, when He became flesh and took our place on the cross. And it’s because of His finished work that we can rest. We believe the promise, and we gratefully live in its abundant provision.
That’s what I believe is the bedrock difference between what other systems and theologies and teachings offer and what is available when the true gospel is shared without all the ‘add-ons’ of men’s interpretations and requirements. When the unvarnished Truth is available to people, our eyes are opened, the veils are removed, and we can see the Reality of the Risen Son in all His Glory. We can see and actually experience the fact that all – ALL – of God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ Jesus.
“For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God.” (2 Corinthians 1:20, Amplified Version)
Please remember to keep our beloved brother Mac and his family in your prayers. The cancer treatments are followed by extreme fatigue and they make it hard for him to focus, to function, even to eat at times. The Adat family is rallying and doing all we can to support them during this difficult time. I was thinking in these coming months, if any of our extended worldwide family would like to share words of encouragement directly to our brother, please put “For Mac” in the subject line of your email and we will be sure to get those words to Mac and his family.
In closing, I want to tell you all how very much I love you. It’s hard to put into words how my heart swells as I read your emails. Each time you glorify our God, and give Him thanks for all He is doing, it reminds me of what an awesome and great God we serve. You refresh me – and I know you refresh all the others who read the FMM Family News too. I encourage each of you to continue to treasure His Word and to live for Him, no matter what your circumstances may be. He is worthy of our praise, always and forever.
In His matchless Name,
Your forever sister, Nancy
FROM ANTARCTICA: Hi, I am _____ from _____. Just wanted to let you know that we received bags of your books and you’re appreciated. Your leadership and ability to get this teachings to us are an inspiration to us all, and really help very much. Thank you for all that you do. We couldn’t get the true teachings without you. Sincerely,
FROM AFRICA: Thank you man of God JM for teaching us through your booklet called the light that pierces the darkness at our meeting. Your message was really inspiring. Your spiritual son in the Lord,
FROM AFRICA: Dear servant of God John, My congregation in _____ will forever be grateful to you for your care and teachings for our spiritual growth. Thank you for giving us hope through the word of God. Your teachings has made a difference into our lives. You have such an exemplary and kind heart, and we cannot thank you enough for all you continue to do to help us be strong in the Lord. Thanks. In Jesus name,
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… You are doing awesome work. I know you have many responsibilities in your family and ministries. It is our prayer that may Yeshua Messiah continue to empower your life as you daily search the word and His will so that out of His fullness you would share the message of the gospel boldly to all nations of the world. May He grant you the health and strength you need. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.” So God granted him what he requested. (I Chronicles 4:10) Shalom, Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear brother, on this day, I would like once again to honor, the pilot group, friends and our beloved brothers and sisters in Follow me ministries for their service in the Lord. Your sacrifice has not gone vain. Your reward is great in heaven. Please help us to get our teaching materials for distribution. Currently, there is no copy left. Thank you! Shalom,
FROM SOUTH AMERICA: Thank you for all of your spiritual teachings! I was touched to see your booklets and how excited is your message. I didn’t want to forget to say thank you. I appreciate each of you in your staff. Have a lovely day.
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Dad, Good morning! How is mum and everyone in the family? I come this morning asking for prayers for a little _____ orphan who is going through a very dangerously surgery. He has been under medical. He will begin his first procedure on _____. Thanks. Your beloved Daughter,
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Shalom to you achi John, The Lord’s way to reach those lost and going to hell without being preached God’s word, requires people who out of love have consecrated themselves and what they have to God and to His work. Blessings to you and yours! Shalom!
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Dear friend pastor John, We feel so lucky to have gotten you as our pastor mentor. _____ my wife loved your lessons and books from the start and never grew bored. You helped her get motivated, and above all, interested in learning, deeper the word of God. The whole family in _____ thanks you! Have a great health. You deserve it!
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Dear Rabbi John, Your excellent teaching has helped me with my congregation tremendously through our journey of faith. I appreciate you being there and letting us know the right way to heaven – Yeshua. Whenever we will be having a bible study question, we will be happy to share it with you. I have learned so much from you both through your booklets and site and I look forward to learning more. Thank you for being a remarkable Bible teacher and I am very grateful to have you. Shalom,
FROM AUSTRALIA: John Marquez, I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on your wonderful books and service to the Lord! Have been extremely pleased with the books I have received. Thank you for being so a blessing to billions souls in my country at _____! I value what you do and have told everyone I know how tremendous you all are! With sincere gratitude and appreciation,
FROM AFRICA: Shalom Dad and Mom! Wishing you and Follow me ministries in the world joy and many blessings at Passover and throughout the year 2015!
FROM AFRICA: Shalom to you our dear Dad John…. The Adat Hatikvat Tzion and Follow me ministries of Africa wishes you Good times, peace, Good health and happiness on the Pesach and always. May the love of God fill your home and Adat congregation as you celebrate on this Saturday. May you rejoice in our traditions & always be blessed with the rich & bountiful gifts of life. Happy Pesach! Celebrating with you the many joys of Seder! Shalom,
FROM AUSTRALIA: Hi brother and Pastor John, You can’t know how precious you are to us through your teachings. Thank you for your kind words. We need you and all of your services here at our region. I know one thing that once a country becomes more developed, people there becomes too busy, too busy without having any time left to serve for God. In other words, people starts to backslide while seeing the things of God to be foolish- nothing. USA, is a small part of the world. If they are not ready to receive, for us we are hungry and thirst for the righteousness of God. There are billions of people who are in need of your teachings out here. God who made a way of this books to reach us at this far, will lead you again to where there is a need before His second coming. John THANK U.
FROM ANTARCTICA: Good morning friend and servant of God John. I send you greetings from my people and all who have heard about you and seen your work. Please there are few here who are inspired and thinking in the near future to visit you in Omaha. Have a glorious Passover day! Friend,
FROM SOUTH AMERICA: Hello John, This week, I was provided with copies of the portal in the wilderness, You shall not murder and the light that pierces the darkness booklets at our _____ here in _____, and I truly appreciate it. I am highly pleased with the inspired message in all these booklets. I will let you know our progress. Amen! With great Passover blessings,
FROM NORTH AMERICA: I praise God for you. This is a wonderful gifts (books) on this Passover holiday. God is so good brother. Your own life matters to us very much.
FROM AFRICA: Beloved Dad and sister Nancy, Thank you so much for sharing…. your prayers for the protection and unity of Saints in _____. But I take much heart in the message you shared with me 3 years ago about the danger of showing names of people on your website. I will Never forget to recognize God’s wisdom and gratitude in your life and all the people there that make a big difference in our lives. Just expressing a thank you for protecting our names and email addresses very safe from the enemies of Yeshua Messiah across the world. We have made it this far because of you! Simcha Pesach,
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… Shalom ! Things are not good at all to the orphans. Their situation is becoming more worse every day. Kindly, if God will provide for you anything little, Please just buy rice and tea for them. God bless. Good Friday passover, Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad…May the LORD bless you and keep you. I really appreciate your help at this time the orphans under _____ and _____ are in need…when no one was there to help. Have a great life a head and may the Almighty loving Father bless you. Thanks for your help and great service in printing the booklets which are making a difference in the world. Thank you and Glory be to God!
FROM EUROPE: Bro. John, This Follow Me ministry website is such a blessing. I can refer others to it, knowing that they will receive sound scriptural instruction.
FROM SOUTH AMERICA: Thank you Pastor for your inspired email. You are most welcome to _____!
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… Happy Easter! We are amazed with how well this orphan’s recovery is going. Thank you for your great support, without You and Follow me ministries we’d still be No funds for the bill… Truly, words cannot convey the personal debt of gratitude my family owes to each and every one of you that has supported the needs of this orphans for the last 3 years. It is a debt that is impossible to repay and we are honored and privileged to have you. G-d bless! Your daughter in faith,
FROM AFRICA: Hello Rabbi John, We miss your presence very much Dad. How are you? Wishes you God’s best….
FROM AFRICA: Dear dad, I was been thinking of mom. Say hello to her. I greatly appreciate your help to this orphans. The food I received through _____ will take them about One and half months. Thank you. Wishes you God’s Resurrection blessings. Your son,
FROM AFRICA: Brother John. We are through with the meeting. We had so many challenges but the lord was with us. Thank you for your pray. How is my grandpa doing?
FROM AFRICA: Shalom to you my friend and Dad… The AL-Shabaab, by targeting students and their teachers last week in a college, the attackers are still sending message that they will paralyze every aspect of our life. I wonder where we will take our children to learn if even schools are not safe anymore. Already, trade unionists are calling on doctors and teachers to leave the region, accusing the government of doing little to protect its citizens. The terrorist are killing Christians and leaving a Muslim alive. About 150 people died on the attack. Thank you so much once again for sharing… your prayers for the protection and unity of saints. But I take much heart in the wisdom you have about the danger of showing names from Africa on your website. You and all the saints there make a big difference in our lives. May God bless you! Shalom forever,
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Dad and sister Nancy, I am more than happy for you and others in the Follow me ministries around the world. I appreciate your prayers very much. This is to inform you that I am right now in _____ where I went to teach and equip youths and believers for a seminar. The network that I am using here is very low and It takes very long to open or send an email. I wanted to thank you for your emails and hope to respond to you as soon as possible. God bless, Son
FROM AFRICA: Hello my mentor, This is _____ from _____. People in my region are enjoying learning about the true teachings that is not completely mixed with any religious commands. Hope you understand me what I mean. You continue to inspire us. Thank you so much. Hallelujah!
FROM EUROPE: Dear Pastor John, Wow!!, this is excellent Bible study teachings, I am so excited by the value that this Follow me ministries has and my profound gratitude goes to all who are working with you. Thanks for this books. I will recommend other people to learn deep about the truth of God. God keep you with all blessings! In Him,
FROM AFRICA: “In that case, I rejoice. For I know that greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. In order to get to us and truly stop us, they will first have to get through Him… and also through all the hosts of Heaven, because Almighty God is our Protector and Shepherd and Covenant Friend. Glory to His Name…”
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad…Thank you so much for the above word of encouraged. I am glad to see you moving forward… I wake up today thinking of you, What did the doctor found? When God has blessed us as he has, when God has multiplied His people who are being helped by our teachings as he has, and God is using us to cut a path through this evil world then, Satan is going to come after us. And so we have to be ready and we have to get the armor on. It’s good that we understand his play and we will never be ignorant of his devices. Praying… Son
FROM AFRICA: Shalom! Dear my beloved Pastor, With much pain, It has been confirmed today that the bodies are of our youths who were among those who died at Garissa attack. This students joined our congregation on _____. Kindly, pass this news to our fellow brothers and sisters both in Adat Hatikvat Tzion and Follow me ministries. Finally, we ask you to come quickly and help to comfort these families together. May God keep you. Please pray for the families. Your co-worker,
FROM AFRICA: Dear my Dad, _____ received today your booklets including, the seasons of our lives, the light that pierces the darkness among others. We can’t forget to thank you here for your great support. Truly, without you and those praying with you nothing. We are also sorry for the loss of those from our family during the Al-shabaab attack at the university. Please pray with us. We love you and praying every day for our connection, spirit and moving forward. Praise God!
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, The Big Surprise is a booklet that is becoming reality. Many here called this book as a prophetic book because of its message. It has everything happening on this present world. It is the book that readers of the church are looking for. Your family in Africa are wishing you to be in a good healthy. The task is great… We need you! We at Africa mourn for the loss of our children at the college attack. We painfully miss them. Please we thank you for your prayers and we appreciate any support to help those families. Thanks, Son
FROM AFRICA: Beloved Dad, Here are their names ______________ [those who were slain in the University massacre] Thanks a lot…In Love,
FROM AFRICA: Praise G-d who is the spring of the blessings, father, son and the Holy Ghost. Please continue praying for the protection of lives in Africa. We grieve! Todah,
FROM AFRICA: Dearest Dad, I have collected $___ to help the families that lost their son/daughter at Al-Shabaab attack. In His love,
FROM AFRICA: Todah Rabah Achi… I received this morning $___ as contributions from some friends in aid of the families.
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Rav Nate, Dad and the brothers and sisters in Adat and FMM families in USA. Peace in the name of our Lord Yeshua Messiah – yes, _____ will continue to pray for peace and protection in our country. That the Lord will give comfort and that He will protect His people from any more of these attacks. And also that He will open the hearts and minds of these others to accept His Word and be saved in the name of Messiah. Please join us! Shalom,
FROM AFRICA: Hello, Sent you $___ through _____ to help in burial.
FROM AFRICA: Dear my Dad…Your support which arrived this evening, will help at the funeral expenses along. Son in faith,
FROM AFRICA: Hi, Dad… Thank you for the funds. Our brother has shared your text message with us. Know that your support is appreciated.
FROM AFRICA: Dear brother John, We are humbled by your support for those funeral services. Thank you.
FROM UNKNOWN LOCATION: Thanks for help. You are a treasure to us all. Thanks again for standing with us. In Christ,
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, thank you so much Dad. Automatically some of the money MUST go to preach through the printing of our teachings and distributing them. I have received your text with funds and I wanted to thank you, thank you for everything you have sacrificed… I’ m going to meet tomorrow those who are helping me for this preparation and finally, we must let you know everything how things are here on the ground. We truly appreciate you very much. Love, Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… Greetings from _____. It is very true as you said, we must do the works of Him who called us while Its day, the night is coming when no man can work. With love and prayer, the families were able to receive your support as we shared to them today on behalf of you. In All, they are very, very thankful and appreciate us so much. Still, we need some help… Say hello to all saints there! Shabbat blessings,
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into being a blessing to this families who lost their children on what we call Al-Shabaab attack. Thank again for being there during the time we needed help and for your responsible thought the entire funeral making sure everything has gone smoothly. We still need more funds. The respect that you have shown always towards your family in Africa is endearing and it is nice to know that you care us so much. Your love for the people of _____ is obvious and we only hope that we can grow to care about our region and beyond. Your son in Messiah,
FROM AFRICA: Praise the Lord my brother. Thank you so much for your help. This brings Yeshua Messiah near to _____. We trust in God who put us together. We put all your support today morning to bless this families. And we will not forgot to thank you for your efforts. We pray for more help. Forever Shalom!
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… Your love and support has given these families great joy and encouragement, because you, Dad, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people. Amen! Shabbat Shalom, Son and daughter
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad…I want to thank you Dad, for giving me the position of leading Follow me ministries in Africa that has helped me grow spiritual. Thank you seems small, but I will say it again and again.., thank you for being you and giving me a great work to do in the Lord’s precious kingdom. With love and respect, Son
FROM ASIA: Thank you for All you do brother John. In Jesus name,
FROM AFRICA: Dear my Pastor, Thanks for giving me a lot of inspiration on how to become a child of God. You certainly are a great spiritual mentor for me and you have been very generous in sharing your rich and valuable knowledge in your teaching booklets. Thanks! God bless u,
FROM SOUTH AMERICA: Thank you Pastor for the copies of the Season of our lives books. Working with you for your teachings has already helped me so much with my own studies, and will continue to inspire me. Your dedication and generosity with your time in helping people to grow deeper in their relationship with God is greatly appreciated also. It is my pleasure to send you this very sincere thank you.
FROM AFRICA: John, You have given me the hope and encouragement to finish this race of life in Jesus. Your tremendous teachings is much appreciated. The people of _____ are blessed to have you as our spiritual mentor. May God bless!
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad and Rav, Thanks for your total commitment in the things of God!!! In the days of Nehemiah the people of Israel prayed, “You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything. We look into the future, and we seek to continue serving our God in sincerity and in truth, in time to come. He’s made His home in our hearts, and so He works in us a beginning of the obedience that God requires. “Thus far the Lord has helped us together in spreading His Good news of Jesus (Yeshua)” and He is faithful in time to come. Receive warm greetings from my family, orphans and saints in the congregation in _____. Good day! Shalom,
FROM AFRICA: Dad and Nancy, Thank you for touching my life always through your Timothy letter. April letter, is the most favorite of all. I am happy and blessed in having you and your website.
FROM AFRICA: Hi dad, Here is my heart! Please keep filling It with your true teachings from the word of God. I love you and like your website very much. In touch,
FROM AFRICA: Hi Achi, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivered him out of them all. Psalms 34:19 We love our brother MAC and praying for healing.
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, Regarding our website, I am Indeed thankful for the increase of daily visitors. This is God who is doing and Its marvelous to our eyes! Your Follow me ministries & Adat Hatikvat Tzion families in Africa, are praying for the cure of our brother Patrick from cancer. He has made a lot of sacrifice for us, yet we have not shown enough love to him. We ask God to give him some more time with us, so that we can show him love and gratitude. He is a good brother and does not deserve to go like this. Please God give him the inner strength and courage and show him mercy to live many more beautiful years of his life. Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad & Rav, Good morning! Hope you and mum Mary, Mum D and everyone in your families are doing fine in the Lord! I wanted to thank of you all who have helped make this Follow me ministries and Adat Hatikvat Tzion ( Hope of Zion) congregation possible in Africa. We only believe you will be blessed in this life, but in the life to come. People who were changed through the teachings you helped us shared will line up to welcome you into heaven (Luke 16:9) You are a blessing Dad & Rav Nate! Daughter
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Dear John, We would like to thank you for everything you have done to make us discipleship for Jesus, but also the men and women the world will depend on for the true word of life today.
FROM SOUTH AMERICA: Hi, Thank you very much for your great service. I am blessed to have received ___ of Our utterly perfect God, books. Praying for your work.
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Dad… Shabbat shalom! “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.” 2 Thess. 3:1-3:
Today, I am here once again to thank God who always is directing our Follow Me ministries teaching to reach even in countries that are _____ and _____ and _____ where many there still face the same choice, reject Jesus Christ (Yeshua messiah) or die. Very often, I tell my brothers and sisters in Africa that the Lord is faithful, who will establish us and guard us from the evil one. It is our duty and privilege to pray for our brethren in those countries that their faith is hated.
Praise God for your sacrifice. On the website, there are testimonies of people from places across the world that have been guided to a true relationship, an intimate, personal relationship with our creator. Yes, we don’t look to the here and now for our reward, but we look toward heaven where our treasure would be stored up. My heart, is to know Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah). There are so many who don’t know Him, who are deceived into another gospel. I am willing to do for the truth and Praying for the Lord to continue using me to be part of changing the future. Love you servant of Messiah! Keep the good work! Son
FROM AFRICA: Shabbat shalom to you! I was honored to preach the Pesach lesson at our congregation in _____ here titled “The Happiest Day in Heaven.” Before revealing that Happiest Day, the lesson focused on the horrendous heartache, grief and suffering of God, Messiah, and the Holy Spirit, trying to save their so-lost earthly children from eternal damnation. Many were shocked near the end of the lesson when I revealed the Happiest Day in Heaven being John 19:30 when Yeshua on the cross said “It is finished!” And He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit.” Happiest Day because INSTANTLY The Word, (Yeshua), our King, was returned to His Heavenly Father, and His Heavenly Home. His statement “It is finished!” meant that all pain, abuse, and the horrible death He suffered for us, was now completed. All sins of man erased. What a Heavenly celebration! God’s only Son was “home” never to die or suffer again….! May God bless you, Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad…Your love and support has given these families great joy and encouragement, because you, Dad, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people. Amen! Sabbat Shalom, Son and daughter
FROM ANTARTICA: You continue to be a blessing in Antarctica through your teaching books. We do receive them very freely without buying or paying. Thanks. Your bro.
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, It has been long… Thankful for both of you Dad and _____. You are doing a good job. Blessings,
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: I am thankful for the servants of God like you who obedient His call and took a stand up for being committed reading the Bible and sharing Its revelation to the world. This is very helpful. Please pray for our country. There are millions here who have never enter into relationship with our loving Yeshua. In Messiah,
FROM AFRICA: With much love, we send you greetings from your family in _____ . You can;t know how much you are a blessing to the people of Africa. Since we started receiving your studies, we are not the same. We started receiving your booklets that are translated in our language everyone speaks here. Thank you for your efforts. We value your work very much.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear bro. Your ministry has been brilliant to convey the message of Jesus Christ to the very lost world. Wishing you all the best.
FROM AFRICA: Hello John, I am writing to congratulate you on the amazing achievement on the spreading of your teachings. I have been distributing your booklets in the last few years and it is great to see the growth your ministry has seen in the time period. Your staff and the team on the field, may they all deserve our love and respect. Surely there is a lot more harvest of souls to expect before His return. I truly hope that your follow me ministries sees more success in the coming years. Yours in faith
FROM ASIA: John, We wish you many, many years of continued teaching success. Be proud not only of your Follow me ministries but also of your Free booklets distribution into the whole world. It’s been impressive to watch! Regards,
FROM EUROPE: Hi Pastor John and Mary, Here are the gifts of your books received. We thank you for your respect and faithfulness. Your prayers are great! Keep on..!!!
FROM AFRICA: With much love, we send you greetings from your family in _______ . You can’t know how much you are a blessing to the people of Africa. Since we started receiving your studies, we are not the same. We started receiving your booklets that are translated in our language everyone speaks here. Thank you for your efforts. We value your work very much.
FROM AFRICA: Dear brother John, Thank you for coming into our printing press and working with us. But most of all, thank you for showing me and some other guys here a true way of salvation in Jesus Christ. love you!
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Brother John, I like you and the title of your books as I have been reading some of them. These books will change the minds and even the hearts of people who have been turned away by rhetoric that pits science against faith. Sincerely,
FROM MIDDLE EAST: The ‘take my yoke upon you’ books were received. Thank you so much John, for your efforts. The message is great!!! Faithfully,
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Rabbi John, My wife was born in a Christian family. She went to church regularly but she did not receive Jesus as her personal savior. She was used to music but never changed her life. One of my committed Christian friends shared with us about your teaching testimony. Today she is saved by the blood of Jesus Messiah. God bless you my brother and your good ministry! Hallelujah!
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad…And I’m thankful to this day, for being my teacher, adviser, counselor and friend who has imparted us knowledge of God’s word which never has an end. I value your time and patience in what you are teaching and helping me and other fellow brothers and sisters in Africa to grow our relationship with God .You have helped so many I know with the questions for the answers they have sought. You are a spiritual mentor people will never forget or your lessons will never be wiped from memories of people. Glory be to God for the success. Grace & mercy, Son
FROM AFRICA: Beloved Dad, Receive greetings from the few who have heard about you from _____. I had distributed here ____ booklets freely and about __ minutes from now, i am heading to _____ with the remaining ____ booklets. So many people have never heard about the amazing and true teachings. People have wrong doctrines and this is one reason why you make a difference. You and Rav Nate, your All services are needed around the 4 corners of the world. Thanking you always! Praying to meet you face to face!!! In the covenant of Yeshua,
FROM ASIA: Hello John, When I was in _____ two weeks ago for a tourism purpose, my host there told me about the powerful message that is daily printed on booklets by a man in USA, and I was much interesting. I asked her to get me a copy and see. She took me into their office Bible study where we received a warm welcome from a young brother there by name _____. This brother preached me until I was converted together with my wife from being a _____ to be a christian who is saved by JESUS CHRIST. On my trip back to my country in _____ this week, he provided freely __ Follow me ministries booklets by Author John and Mary Marquez, which I distributed here before a strong earthquake took place. My people are _____ and _____. There are very few here who mention the name Jesus Christ. And The Holy Bible is not read except only with this few people. I am sorry that my parents, 1 brother and others were killed on this earthquake which was moving the rocks away. I ask myself, why does my life spared? God knows. Therefore, my brothers and sisters there, continue to help us connect our lives into the testimony of Jesus Christ but, not religion. Myself, I am spared by your faith as shown in your books and I shall live for that. Thank you and thanks for the work of God you are doing. Finally pray for our country during this difficult time. Welcome Asia!
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Dad… Glory be unto God! I am thankful for this testimony from Asia. The very man visited _____ few days ago when he had his trip in _____. He heard about our teachings from his friend and wanted to get home some of our materials. I praise God that in this way, he got saved! Hallelujah! I believe this is the work of the Holy Spirit. And Its marvelous unto our eyes! This discipleship training course has been greatly uplifted by the freshness and energy that you brought to the lessons each time. Your message proved to be very inspirational to billions of people during this corrupted times. Your friendship and faithfulness to each other and this Follow me ministries work is greatly appreciated. Best wishes dear Dad and God’s blessings as you continue to minister to this world. For His kingdom with love, Son
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Shalom John, Your books continue helping us to train disciples here. God willing, please come and visit.
FROM ASIA: John, It is very good to be connected!! I was saved in 1954 in our hometown of _____. We had missions in our heart. In the year 1987, sensing the direction of the Holy Spirit, we took our children and moved to _____ where we pioneered a new work. This became our home update. We have been privileged to receive some of your books and Adat, Rabbi Nate CD that led us to know you and your Follow Me ministries website where we have learnt much. I write to request to partner with you in spreading this great Gospel printed in these books & CD. We need you seriously! Welcome! Faithfully,
FROM AFRICA: Dad, Thank you for your continued prayers and support to this poor orphans! May the LORD bless! Your beloved daughter,
That’s it for this month, beloved. Until next month, please keep praying for one another.