Greetings, Dear Ones.

As you can see, FMM received a lot of inquiries and feedback this month.  In 1 Corinthians 3:6 the Apostle Paul wrote “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”  We are watching that very thing unfold before our eyes!  Not only is email traffic increasing, but so is the knitting together of our hearts and spirits.  May this month’s update encourage your hearts and strengthen your faith as you too begin to see what a great thing Father is doing in our midst!  And may we all give Him the glory!  This is not by might, nor by Power… it can only be happening by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).  And we get to be a part of it!  Praise His Holy Name!!!

Your sister, Nancy



Hello man of God John, I am a business man staying in _____, from _____. I was given your booklet 26 by my gland father when I was home 2 days ago. I stop here today on your website to congratulate your efforts for spreading the truth about God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Keep up the good race.


Dear Dad John, Your email has got things to teach me.. Is _____ a white man living in _____? I am Interested to know more about the life and call of this man!!!! Please send me your teachings so I may also share It with my friends and those who are not loved. thanks a lot…


Dear Rev. John, I have never seen you but I respect your message in your Pamphlet! Do you have other books to send out to _____? I wanted to know if your ministry is here? Please help me to witness the  gospel power of salvation. Pray for my trip to _____ for gospel rally next week. Hope to hear from you


Good to hear from you dear Pastor. I am more than happy to read your email. My family is happy too. It was wonderful that the booklets, Pamphlets I received was printed in _____ by _____. Who is this man from _____? If we will have 10 people like _____ at the present world, Billions of souls that are going to hell will be saved. Finally, your teachings are very much accepted and honored by all of the world because It has no political reasons except the cross and love of God. Please print and distribute as many as you can. I am working as a pilot.


Dear brother John, I am brother _____ from _____ which is a driving of __ hours to Omaha. I got your email in a booklet – God’s perfection and brokenness. My friend went with It to _____. It is a blessing book. Do you have any relevant teachings that can help to lift our souls here at _____? Please do not hesitate to help us. God bless.


Thank you dear brother John…I was able to open and read your 2 attached document. Our blessings are here!!! Please as I said before, we really need your spiritual help. Please do not hesitate to help through your teachings. By the way, we are about ___ miles away from you in Omaha and its fun that the book I read was produced in _____. God looks in the heart of a man and proves him/her to be a leader. So It was His plan to chose brother _____ to do the job. My friend told me that he was given this book by somebody in _____ some two weeks ago. The booklet had your name and Mary’s name your wife, website email address, both your pictures on the out beautiful cover. Please, we need more teachings from you!!


Dear Pastor John, A week ago, I read your book the arena of testimony 33. It encouraged me as a minister for the word. We request today more copies of your books, tracts, literature and pamphlets. kindly send to _____. Looking forward to hear from you.


Dear Pastor, It was good to heard from you. Thank you for your first introduction of your life and teachings. Kindly register us on the list so that we may receive more of your teachings. I have a friend in _____. I can also share with him.


Dear servant of God John and Mary Marquez, Naked before God is your booklet that has changed and motivated my life completely. I am from _____ and a student in Bible Baptist College. My lecturer is currently using your book from our college library to teach us. It has a sound doctrines and very simple for everybody understanding. I write today to congratulate your talent. May be you are more blessings to others through your writing. Welcome.


Dear Dr. John and Mary,  I am so thankful for your Pamphlet known as the Deeper understanding of the covenant pattern 25 written by you as the author. Brother, to sincere say, you were in the Spirit when you wrote its message. We need such more copies in our country. Tell us how to receive it. Do you have other teachings or books? Recently God gave me a vision for training church leaders and we are blessed as we are using your pamphlet. Please we hope to hear from you again.


Dear my friends John and Mum, I am so honored to stay in your home at Omaha and enjoy with ____’s friends. ALWAYS he tells us in his communication about his friends in Omaha. When my duty comes to land at your place, I must come at your home. May be on that time we will travel with this young dr if he will be financially buy the ticket to come. He is so longing to come.  Greet everyone . How did the surgery as Dr. informed us about went yesterday? God never fails His Mum.


I wanted to wish much blessings to our beloved Mum at times like this. Let her know that she is not alone. God is with her life and she has friends Who loves and prays for her.


Dear Pastor… From _____, we send our prayers and love to your dear wife who went medical surgery yesterday. The Lord has prepared for her many blessings after recovery. Satan did it but God meant a testimony for mum in saving the world.He is going to reveal to mum in many different ways. May the Lord bless her. Amen.


Thank you so much for files of your teachings that you sent to me. It is a precious gift from you and I promise to read and share with many others near and far. God bless.


Dear brother John and Mary, Praise the Lord. Please pray for me as I’m pouring my heart for studying 33 lessons with my group. Kindly send it soon.


Dear Servant of God Rev. John and Mary Marquez, Hallelujah! It is only the favor of God on your books that cause them to be carried without paying the fee charges. I am the manager and pilot of a company and I was pleased to carry your books that you sent to _____ from _____ to _____. Because, it was stamped outside the box as FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION, I hope somebody has done the job. We pray you to write many as you can since God has given your ministry GREAT FAVOR.


Dear Servant of God John and Mary, We greet you from _____ in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am Pastor _____. We have been blessed by your teachings through the booklet (Removal of sin residue – 3 ) I have been forced from inside to send you a word of encouragement of your work for the Lord. This kind of teachings are needed as we are stepping to the end of the world. Please we request you if possible to come in our country and teach the word of God. I would like to host you with my church. Thank you. You are most welcome! Your dear brother in Christ,


Dear Dr. John, I thank God who leaded me to read your book, Preliminary thoughts from exodus 1. It met my spiritual desire. This are actually from direct the word of God. I can see you are a man of prayer and your book meant a lot to us all here at _____. We shall stand with you in our prayers! If you have another more studies, kindly mail them to us…Hope to hear from you soon.


Dear Dad, Christian greetings from brothers and sisters in _____. How is Mum doing? We love her and pray. Thank you dear Dad! You and _____, you are doing a great work for the Lord. I wanted to inform you that we received the boxes of your teachings  sent to our country through postal address. There are 1,400 copies and slowly distributing them freely wherever the Lord leads me…Pass our love to everyone over there.


Dear servant of God Rev John, I am your daughter serving together our resurrected and soon coming J’shua in Follow me ministry congregation at _____. We pray for you and our network fellowship. We are meeting 3 days a week during the evening hour for bible teachings and we are very happy for this center that _____ started here. We are about 56 people from different churches gathering for your teachings! Glory to God. Pray for us.


Dear my Dad… Once again, thanks for sending to me the all lessons that _____ has been receiving in _____. Please we translate every lesson and distribute them to people. We are glad spreading the gospel good news. Daily, there is a great need from people seeking to receive our copies. God bless you. Greet for us Mum. Hope she is recovering now.


Dear brother John and Mary, I received 11 copies of books and 2 pamphlets through my daughter in law who is employed with _____ in _____. She told me that she received more than 4,000 copies left there for distribution to customers. She is saved and enjoyed doing the job for the kingdom. Please your materials are good and everyone will like to read and receive its message. However, it has encouraged members of my congregation and in all we wish you God’s best blessings on your life. Let us know when you will visit our country.


Dear Pastor John, We still have you and respect your teaching work for the Lord… We plan to build soon a bible college in _____ for your teachings. We have money to do the work, BUT, wanted to know if you agree with us to help supporting with your teachings. The college name shall be: PASTOR JOHN AND MARY MARQUEZ BIBLE SCHOOL. Thank you. Hope to hear from you.

Needless to say, in my response I encouraged them to teach and spread the Word of God…but firmly discouraged these folks from naming anything after us and I did my best to explain why (Lk.17:7-10) They are now receiving my latest ‘Meditations on Exodus’ teachings as I finish writing them.


Dear brother J & M, Well done my brother John. Your message is so powerful. _____ gave me free your deeper understanding of the covenant pattern and exodus 2 books to read. Thank you brother for sharing your call and faith with other people far from you like us in the countries of Europe. Please never stop to teach and send out your teachings. We desire to hear from you soon.


Dear founder Reverend John and Mary, Thank you for H.S. leading you to write such Arena of testimony and obedience – Exodus booklets. They have a message from Scripture but not from man as other servants do. We like it and desire to receive other teachings if there are there. Can we send you our mailing address?  Hope to hear from you.


Dad…. I never pay for any travel expenses for these teaching materials there at _____… who then pays this heavy boxes on the way? But, I Praise God when I see a response from various regions of the world. I am unable totally to tell you what is going on but I know one thing…that Jeshua is soon coming and the time is short…Son


From _____, we send our innermost greetings to you. Kindly, thank you for connecting me with brother _____ in _____. He recently shipped to us some Pamphlets, tracts, Pamphlets that we also distributed them to others around _____. Only God shall reward your work in Him. Christian people loves you. I love you too with my wife and family. We always look at your picture on the book and feel you come and held teachings here in person. God bless Dr. _____. It took him $32.00 USD to sent them to us and we paid $15.00 USD in order to pick them from our post office in _____. We love this servant. Amen


Dear my brother John and Mary in the Lord, Thanking you for your good Pamphlets about the living word appears again 28. God bless and increase you. i am your sister,


Dear Spiritual Father, The Lord is doing new things in _____. There are some books and printing teachings coming in our country BUT i have never seen in my life people fighting to read and listen your teachings! First, i received 13 lessons to read and when i wanted to print and produces copies, i missed money to make it be successful. So i requested _____ and sent me 6,119 booklets etc that all were distributed. Again this week on Thursday, i received from him 2,657 booklets and Pamphlets. I sent this teachings to _____ at the hands of my brother in law who is working there for distributing. Praise the Lord! We love you and our dear fellow servant.


Dear Dad, Do you know that the booklets, tracts, Pamphlets that we distributed out free here has got new members in our church? Yes, the Lord has increased us. I have updated _____ today about the progress of the books he sent to _____ and if possible i request him to send more copies again… for the desire is more than high. God helped me to share these teachings with people on the high seat at our government. People says that you are a true teacher…I will immediatly inform you once i have heard from _____. Extend our greetings to all.


I wanted to meet you personally and share my testimony with you of how great your 3 booklets has been help to me and my family. (My brothers and sisters in _____, ‘The living word appears again’ and ‘The two human races’) But, let me write and thank you. The Holy Spirit was leading you when you wrote the message. Please come at _____ in our church for more teachings. Looking forward to hear from you soon.


Dear brother John, I am always excited for your work in the kingdom. My husband received this book from somebody who was passing on the way. It was a Sunday day and he was coming back home from church. We desire your Spiritual teachings.


Dear Dr. John, This is _____. It is a great love to share with you my thoughts today. If things will go with me well, I will donate soon something little towards your Follow me ministries USA! God bless.


Dear Dad, I am scheduled to be at _____ Airport on Thursday and i do not know if _____ was left with some printed materials so to go with them over there? Please let me know. If God willing one day I will stop at Omaha and stay with you for one or two days. Your daughter,


Dear brother John, My wife  is thinking ways that she can be a blessing to your ministry. We have a testimony for what your teachings has done regarding our growth Spiritually. Greet everyone in the ministries there.


Hello Bishop John. Greetings in Jesus name. In Muslims, things are very hard right now. Womens are being killed everyday and same to christians. I’m on going with my teachings reading to understand it first and that’s why i have not been in touch. Pray for our country.


Dear brother John, I am working in the Embassy of _____ with its offices in _____. I met your friend Pastor _____ when he was sharing the testimony from your teaching booklet, Pamphlets etc. I and others we missed to receive them. He promised strongly to be back on Wednesday this week and we are waiting him to come. Another point, We talked with my fellow workers here about supporting financially your ministry. Please pray for us ways to be opened. Tell him that once he is in _____, to start with _____ Embassy. Encourage him not to miss to come. Looking forward to talk with you again.


The world is ending very soon,when i was praying last night, God took me to heavenly places and in a dream i show angels that were singing and walking around the throne, then i heard a voice calling John and saying that you have done a great work to preach among the muslims and your reward is at hand and after continuing praying i show muslims kneeling down and raising up their hands and for the second time i heard another voice calling, _____ fear not and be dismayed not, i’m with you. When it came to 3:45am ,I show Yeshua cleaning my eyes and he said that i have cleaned your eyes so that you can understand and see what the muslims are fearing, i thank God for your email has come as a confirmation of what i show, Muslims fears that if there will be more christians they not have power over us for they are afraid of God’s written word. Please continue to pray for _____ and when i will get done with teachings is when i will begin to print them, i do come from a very poor family of 12 people and among those 12 people in our family it’s only me who is saved, when i was saved they raped and killed my daughter. They said now it’s my wife then me. We are living in fear but God is in control. Women here are raped daily and killedn those who say are christians. I’m Staying in the wilderness right praying and reading the word of God, the teachings have helped me alot. Lat week some 56 muslims came to my house and begun to search and see if they can find a bible otr anything written the word of God for they heard rumours but God covered the teachings by his blood and they did not find anything, so i made a decision to move to wilderness where i can have enough time and confidence to study the word. It’s raining here in the bush but God is in control. Please pray and share with friends there. I have attached a picture of a woman who is my cousion whom they killed last week for they heard that i was sharing with her about the word of God. Be blessed in Yeshua’s name


Dear Mum… You are right about the Muslims countries. There is one Pastor from _____ who has requested to translate and print Dad’s teachings for free distribution among Muslims brothers and sisters. His name is _____. I recommend him to do so if he can understand fully our teachings. Muslims doesn’t recognise their wifes as a human being. This thing applies to African women. African women is called as a donkeys. She serves as a donkey in the family except in the christian families. We need the teachings that can bless them and give them oppournity as egual unto God’s eyes while serving each other. An African woman can not decide things for example if she has decided to follow Christ, she must first ask his husband permission to do so if not she might be divocered or bitten. This is why I have chosen to obey the voice of God so to break this curse/ chain and bring Jeshua freedom among African women and their children. In all this one year, I have seen God doing… Praise the Lord!

Mum, I wanted you to know that Dad’s teachings is helping African people. There is a time coming when this people will turn and start supporting this ministry… Dad, receives few testimony from Africa of the people who have been blessed among many others. I am glad that our teachings has gone into African countries that are with deep darkness. I know Satan will not be pleased. BUT, the word of God is like water. None can block water from not to flow… Pray that I get money today to clear off the debt at the binding printing so that I may take the packed materials to Nairobi tomorrow. Amen.


Dear John my spiritual dad. Greetings. I have to thank Yeshua for what he has done. i was succesful to print the teachings and i translated…….. i will be in the _____ distributing them and sharing with them for that’s the place i can find security.  I need your prayers. Hope to hear from you and let me know if you received the email i sent to you.


The end is coming soon. Many muslims have begun to discover that the end is coming soon after i shared with them the pumplets today. Please pray. tomorrow i will be again in another _____. shalom


Dear beloved Dad… I am sorry that you have not heard from me. Actually, I have been busy in _____ for distributing our teachings and hope to be back home tomorrow Friday. Once again I wanted to thank you for your love and committed help for printing.. I had over 84,000 copies in _____ and about 410 only are remaining in _____ for its people. Everybody and some churches and ministries, are running here to receive our teachings. I can see Satan defeated and Jeshua receives victory!! I was with sister _____ from _____, she told me that she must give a support to FMM USA. I was there when she sent our teachings on flight to _____ and. Praise the Lord! Please, I have heard from Pastor _____ in _____. He has interpreted our teachings into _____ laungauge and English. He went today to distribute it to womens camps and the response was good. He is praying for the teachings before distributed them as he said to me. Let us pray for him. I must pray with all that God has brought in for Mum. I have much knowledge about the problem Mum is having since 1976. I will advice once I am at home. Thank you. Son


Dear Pastor John and Lady Mary, I can not wait and finish your booklet then to write and thank you. Somebody gave it to me today from _____. I am in _____. Many blessings to you and yours. I will share this teachings with my church where i do attend. Amen.


Dearest Dad, This is the wife of brother _____ from _____ writing this short note. It was a four page tract from you that changed us with my husband, then WE left Muslim mosque to join the true church of Christ. As you are a ware, _____ burned the H.Koran on the presence of people which is against their law. They wanted to revenge by shooting _____ if he were to come at our country but God protected him through your dreams. Right now I am not with my husband _____ for almost two weeks now. He is in the prison ( jailed) and waiting to appear at the court. I, my children and our small congregation, we need your prayers.


Oh my God! It is true that this people wanted to kill me and this is the reason why they bought for me a flight ticket!!!! I and FMM Africa, we must give a support of our prayers to _____, his family and the congregation that God has birth there.  Thank you for this information. May the Lord give him favor. Son


Hello man of God John, I am glad to see you on your Exodus book as the founder and director of Follow me ministries’ teachings on Discipleship training. I really love your work. Your reward is in Heaven as this teachings are bringing in many souls to obey God and serve him alone. I have learnt this morning many things from it. Keep up. Be blessed in Jesus name.


Dear Dad, Thank you for the teachings of Exodus! Already its on the process of being interpreted. Yes, we stand with you in prayers for God to provide finances to help Follow Me ministry to expand His kingdom. Pass greetings to Mum.


Dear brother John and Mary Marquez, Your book entitled to know God and His word is eternal life – 4, brings my heart close to God and builds my relationship with Him. I recommend this book to be read by all leaders leading the flock of God and everyone who desires to know God fully with his/her heart.


Dear Dad, Thank you for your prayers. The battle is between the light and darkness. Your friend _____ appeared on the magistrate court today for his first time and accepted that he burned intentionally the Koran because it is was and will never be the word of God. They wanted a letter from you regarding our doctrinal statement of faith. But even they receive it, their hearts are evil. I still need your prayers. As I talked with my husband after court, he thanked you for prayers and then needs somebody out with gospel compassion to give this court 255.00 dollars that is needed from him as a bound so that he may be freed to come home while the case is on. He is treated harshly.Your daughter,



Dear beloved friend and Dad…. My trip to the Embassies in _____ and back home today with my motorcycle was safe. I came to discover that people loves your teachings because It is grounded right from the old testament… Many who are out teaching the word of God doesn’t want old testament, or they have no revelation on It. The distribution response was nice and I believe God will bring people who will stand with His ministry. This is His work that benefits His kingdom and He must meet its needs in Jeshua name! I love you, I love Mum! God is good who connected me with you. I am always thankful. Son


Dear Reverend John, I am your brother in Christ from _____. I wanted to thank you for your inspired writings in your books with the message from heaven. I met somebody out there on our highway distributing free books from you. She gave me three copies that is – Removal of sin 3, deeper understanding of the covenant pattern 25, why obedience to God’s word is so important 2. Surely, you are doing the will of God. God bless you and your family with good health. Have a blessed Sabbath day.