Dear Ones,

Family News has once again been delayed.  As most of you know, we’ve had some website difficulties which made it impossible to post anything new.  But thanks to the perseverance of our beloved brother, Mac, we are up and running once again.

As I began to write the May Family News introduction, Adat was once again grieving the loss of another one of our precious family.  So I am asking that you would all join us in praying for our grieving mishpokah.  Christine, a keyboardist on the Adat worship team, along with three of her children, have just lost their precious 16 year old Meagan who was killed in a rollover accident on June 17th.  Meagan was a delightful and talented young lady and had a kind spirit.  She loved Yeshua and so we know she’s now rejoicing in His glorious presence, yet it’s a huge loss for her mom, siblings, and all of us who knew and loved her.

Please also continue to pray for our dear brother and webmaster, Mac, who is having excessive fatigue and other very difficult side effects from chemo and has had to step back from his web hosting business.  Even so, as noted above, he just finished reestablishing the FMM website and getting all of the documents posted and available for viewing and downloads.

In the midst of the web difficulties, we learned that the “contact us” portion of the site had disappeared and so there were several weeks where people had not been able to email us, thus this month’s mail is not as lengthy as usual. That too has now been fixed and the Inbox is full once again.

The pilot group sends its love and blessings to all of our other FMM brothers and sisters around the world, and our thanks to our Heavenly Father for His wisdom and provision for us to draw upon as we share His Love and Truth in the deception and darkness which has ensnared so many others.  What an awesome privilege we’ve all been given to join our Beloved Yeshua in sharing His overcoming love with all those around us!

With love and appreciation,

Your sister, Nancy


FROM ASIA:  Dear bro. John, I am thankful for your kind words! I moved to stay with my daughter who is married in _____ because of fear of earthquake again. I love to return so that I may work with _____ and his team as they are planning to fly to _____ and help my brothers and sisters there who are suffering. Thank you for this divine connection. Your bro,

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, How are you doing in the Lord? My family is Ok, as is our congregation. Thank you for this last lesson – The Two Paths. It is an helpful book that i can see being loved by people in Africa.  Keep (going)!

FROM ASIA:  Dear Pastor John, A friend of mine shipped me books from _____. It was a great joy to see them this morning. I will share them with churches around me here. Amen!

FROM ASIA:  Hello brother, Somebody here was telling me today how the evangelistic meeting went on in the city of _____. I wish I knew your schedule so that I were to join you from the first day. Thank you for your special gift to _____ ‘The Two Paths’ books that you shared with at least everyone who attended there. Please will you be with the people of _____ up to next week after this meeting. I pray to meet and embrace you man and servant of God.  [Note from Nancy – there was an apparent misunderstanding about who spoke at the meeting referenced; John does not travel.]

FROM AUSTRALIA:  Thank you my brother from the bottom of my heart. I love what you are doing in the kingdom of God. Excellent work! Very good and inspire teachings. God bless! Shalom!

FROM UNKNOWN LOCATION:  Bible teachers come and go. But, you will always be remembered in our lives. Thank you for your care.

FROM AFRICA:  Preach It Dad! Amen!

FROM AFRICA:  Dear beloved mentor and friend John, Thank you for The Two Paths lesson that has made a great impact to the _____. We have testimonies of people who are challenged and declared in public to follow Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Praise God! Thank you for your love in teaching more than anything else.

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad…The deity of Christ (Messiah) and the cross of Christ (Messiah) are the two most fundamental truths of the believers faith that others denies. But, I am so thankful for your new booklet – ‘The Two Paths’. The Lord describes here two different groups that follow two different paths. I recently, saw a man in his business reading and talking about this booklet called The Two Paths’. Slowly, I joined their discussion that leaded them to accept the true gospel of our Lord Messiah. Dad, God prepared you because he wanted to use you as a tool to train disciples who will reach the world.

The reality is that you and I have met and partnered together. The fruit of our friendship has produced a tool to equip believers to witness effectively. That tool has been Stand to reach also the world. Because the people read it, they are prepared for their encounter with Messiah. This is a true message that I’m excited about. And that’s why our partnership is strong. What you deliver prepares believers to be effective and confident ambassadors for Christ- Messiah to the world. In a world where the population of people without Messiah continues to grow, this Follow me ministries discipleship training is essential. Without you, Dad (I) wouldn’t have been prepared. That’s why I always need you. I thank you. Dad, thanks you. And one day those who shall be won to Messiah by your testimony life and teachings will thank you, too. Your beloved son,

FROM AFRICA:  Sabbath shalom to you friends, Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Yeshua Messiah ” (Titus 2:13) Sister,

FROM AFRICA:  Dad, I want to thank you because you have helped me learn the Word of God & practice on It. Let us share the eternal rewards on that day coming!

FROM EUROPE:  Dear Rabbi John, Congratulations on your new book called The 2 paths, God is good who Loves Me! I read your book 3 days ago and found your teaching to be very inspirational. Rabbi, please know that I am grateful for all that you do to honor God through your service at Follow Me ministries. You are truly a blessing to our congregation family. God bless!

FROM THE MIDDLE EAST:  Rabbi John, I want to tell you what a blessing you are at Follow me ministries teachings. I saw many tears along with mine as you told of the miracle of salvation God did for us in the world. Thank you. In his faith,

FROM EUROPE:  Dear brother John and Mary Marquez, Good morning! You are such a good spiritual parents! Thank you for being our Pastor and guiding us all the truth of God’s word. We truly value all the efforts you have done for us. We know that it isn’t easy to be our spiritual leader but because of your extraordinary ability and prayers to lead us; you really are a brilliant servant serving His kingdom on earth! Thank you. Much love and prayers from _____.

FROM NORTH AMERICA:  Thank you Pastor John for being our mentor. I have heard here in _____ so many speak of you and your testimony with words of gratitude and great joy. Your witness of God’s word in your life is excelled only by the present beauty of His love and grace so evident in your life as you speak and teach others. Let us know when you have time to visit us! Amen! Daughter,

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, Thank you very much! This is really a fantastic work, thank you! God keep you always! son and servant,

FROM ASIA:  Thank you very much. I will share your Bible study with friends or family that could use your internet website services. Thank you so much for what you did to help us build our relationship with Messiah in this last days. I wanted to let you know that your website continues to reach us. Thank you very much for your help! Thank you for your help!  I’ll recommend your staff to all of my Friends who need this spiritual journey service. Wow thank you!

FROM AFRICA:  My true Dad…For the last two weeks now, I have been out of _____ committed to our brothers and sisters in Messiah in discipleship training… how to be soul winners. Most of the places I had visited, there was no services there. Please, apologize me for taking a long time in responding to your emails. I realized that this is my hour to go out soul winning and then teach those in Africa whom Adat and FMM Families here have the privilege of leading to the Lord how to become soul winners themselves.

The message is that, with the help of your teachings from God’s word, we are very clear telling the sinner that there is no hope for him/her anywhere else but in Messiah and need Messiah’s righteous. Every born-again believer has a responsibility to preach the Gospel, i.e., to share the Good News of Yeshua Messiah crucified with lost sinners so that they can be forgiven and spend eternity in Heaven.

We must give account to God for each day of our life (Romans 14:12) Warmest thanks for all of your hard work. Thank you for inspiring this great African team to such a successful outcome. We are delighted to know that so many others appreciate your outstanding work as much as we do. Love you dear Dad! With respect & prayers, Son

FROM AFRICA:  Dear great man of God John, How are you today? I bring you much greetings from my staff, family, and all who have been helped by your lessons. Thank you. God bless,

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, Warm greetings from your family and friends in Africa. Please, more than _____ people right now are requesting for our materials. Thank you and God bless so much. Your daughter,

FROM AFRICA:  Thank you beloved Dad and a servant of God… I have a great thirst for knowledge and people and enjoy leading them into their dear savior Yeshua Messiah. I am very thankful way beyond words to be with you in Follow me ministries. Know that we have never ceased to pray for you, your family and every saint in USA. Shalom, Son

FROM ASIA:  Dear brother JM in the Lord, This is your bro _____ from _____. I joined follow me ministries free networking in ____. Since then, I have seen much blessings in my house. Thank you for being there! However, My time for departure from here to _____ will be today. Hope to see our friends there. I am looking to meet you soon. How much time from your home in Omaha to _____? Have a great blessed sabbath today, Bro.

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad…We are so touched by all you are doing to spread the living word of God to the lost world. What humble servant you are. We look up to such great harvest of souls on that day coming. We respect you and love you dear Dad! Shabbat blessings, Son

FROM THE MIDDLE EAST:  Dear Mentor, It is very good that the Holy Spirit continue using you in your writings. The two paths book is so leading among other books you have written so far. Its so touching (burning) in those hearts gone through it. It is ever accepted by most as a true book from God. One said that they like it more than the _____. They are going to read it together with their library of books. Thank you man of God. Amen! Your fellow co worker and son

FROM ASIA:  Thank you for the wonderful information. But, know that people who have already tasted your teachings, needs to see your presence. I was told that so many people from my community run up to _____ to see you face to face and hear from you. [Note from Nancy – this is inaccurate information as John does not travel.] Actually, we agree with you and pray that God will continue using what He has in your heart to help reach unreached with the gospel of Jesus. Thank you once again for your recent new book entitled The two paths that has won a great percentage of peoples in my country. Continue brother…

[Note from John Marquez – As you know, I do not encourage anyone to look to me to make personal appearances… especially when it comes to spending a lot of money and time to go to places located at great distances. For one thing, my personal circumstances and finances do not permit that. But more important than that is the fact that I believe the job of FMM is to help people make the transition from looking to and relying upon created, fleeting things, like scheduled events, contact with charismatic leaders and respected teachers that have been just as Sin-contaminated as they themselves have been… to focusing on the risen Lord Himself, as He has told us to do.

We can’t be ‘disciples’ from long distances. Disciples must be able to live in close personal proximity to their Master, day and night, continuously. We must get to know Him intimately, so that we can transform into His image and likeness and multiply and extend the scope of His lifestyle and influence in the world.

FMM’s job is to help them become focused on and rooted into the Presence of the risen Lord Himself. Far too much effort, time, money and energy are wasted on religious things that serve to entertain, distract, stir up superficial feelings and emotions and short-lived enthusiasm. Such things come and go… and they are then very quickly forgotten. And because there is so little lasting impact for eternity, the people remain empty, frustrated and immature. So they immediately begin to look to more, equally shallow ‘experiences’ to serve as their next emotional ‘fix’ to allay their chronic empty co-dependent neediness.

That’s why I continue to redirect the attention of people who invite me to come to their region away from myself and over to something that is rarely if ever taught – learning to take our Lord’s revelation and promises and command to follow Him, as it is revealed in Scripture very, very seriously. If they begin to do that, they will gradually be weaned from living at the shallow level of dependence on sights, sounds and the manipulation of their passing feelings… and they can begin instead to learn to live by FAITH… faith in the abiding Presence of Almighty God’s Holy Spirit and Living Word. Then they will become aware of the awesome fact that He actually is with them at all times… working within their innermost being and immediate surroundings… to fulfill Father’s will and agendas, and the plan He had from all eternity, for creating and saving them in the first place.

They do not need someone who is just as weak, needy and weighed down with fallen flesh as they are! We all need the Lord Himself. And so, in keeping with our ‘Marching Orders’… I keep telling them to learn to follow directions… and move into the new territory of actually allowing the Lord to fulfill His awesome New Covenant promises in them, for them, and through them. We do not need to keep using created religious events to serve as our ultimate sources of contact with God. Personal prayer and quality time spent abiding with our Lord by faith are the only solutions to the real problems we all face. And in the Last Days, that personal interaction with our Redeemer will be the only thing that will be around to see us through to The End.]

FROM AFRICA:  Dear John, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your Two Paths book. It was especially generous of you to let us have it. Your message really means a lot to me. Thanks! – love you,

 FROM EUROPE:  Hello bro John, I tried to look at your follow me ministries website to learn about your Board of directors but I didn’t see who are your staff there. I received ____ books more today through an old friend from _____ and I asked myself how Big is your ministries? It looks like you are everywhere in the world. How do you operate please? My family likes to work and support you? Thank you and welcome!

 [Note from Nancy: – The letter above is from someone new to FMM.  (Welcome!)  The reason there was no Board or staff he was able to discover is because there aren’t any.  John often describes himself as “just a guy working at a computer in his bedroom” and those of us who help do it as a labor of love – we all volunteer, all because we love our Lord and desire for Him to receive the glory due His matchless Name.  Like John, we are learning how to live as disciples, with our Messiah day and night, and we welcome all to join us on this amazing discipleship journey.

Truly all that has been taking place in FMM is due to the fact that the Lord brought all the other saints who are helping us into the picture. Father has done all of that on the other side of the world, with people none of us have even had the privilege of seeing or meeting! So obviously, He alone is responsible for all the fruit that has been flowing forth. God… and his other chosen disciples in whom He is free to work… are the reason why all that has been happening continues to keep happening… and growing!   🙂

We know from what God reveals in Scripture, concerning the kind of people He includes in what He does on Earth, His ways are not the world’s ways, nor are His thoughts, their thoughts. He seems to take delight in using the weak, foolish and totally helpless things of this world… and includes them as He goes about doing what He does to confound the worldly wise and powerful and influential.

FMM does not appear on any other radar screens in Christendom. John has no title, no position, and no following in terms of any kind of tangible ministry. So what is happening has to mean that all of this interest that is being generated is due entirely to our website and the booklets that our precious Family continues to translate, and print and send out to all parts of the world! There is no other possible cause that could stir up so much curiosity and interest. So let’s give all of the thanks, praise and credit to our awesome God. We all know that I had nothing to do with making the website possible, or creating and managing it all this time. That was entirely due to the loving kindness of our dear brother Mac.]

“Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you thinks that he is wise in this age, he must become foolish, so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, ‘He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness’; and again, ‘The Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless.’ So then let no one boast in men. For all things belong to you, whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life or death, or things present or things to come; all things belong to you, and you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God. (1 Corinthians 3:18-22)

FROM AFRICA:  Hello brother John. Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. I hope that everyone is fine. We are all fine despite the fact that i have been working hard to complete the church’s construction. You have been silent hopes that everything is fine. Be blessed.

FROM AFRICA:  Shabbat shalom Dad and Mum! How are you today? I am more than happy that Father put me and _____ on your way. So thankful to have a friend so true! You are such a blessing…!! We will be forever grateful to you all for the rest of our lives. Blessings, Daughter

FROM ASIA:  John, God chose you as our mentor, I trust and love you. You are part of us and the people of _____. Welcome! Thanks for your books! God bless,

FROM AUSTRALIA:  Dear Rabbi John, I just want to write a quick note to let you know that our fellowship received your books entitled, The effects of Israel betrothal to God’s living word, the two paths, how sin must be mastered, the big surprise, the life is in the blood, the removing of sin residue, the family becomes a nation, etc. We feel appreciated and thank you Rabbi for your helpful message.

FROM AFRICA:  “This is to appreciate your hard-work and commitment that you kept for writing Bible study lessons both from the book of Genesis and Exodus. Thank you for your always financial support for the cost. The books are being delivered for Free distribution. However, we received this afternoon, _____ books translated in _____ language only. Keep-up the good work.

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, How are you doing today? We continue praying for you and the work you are doing for the Lord. My children and the congregation here sends greetings! Praise the Lord, the congregation is growing both spiritually and in number. Our country is_____. Kindly pray for us and protection. Give greetings the Pilot group. I still remember their hard working. Again, many people from _____ who are followers of follow me ministries website, are asking about the missing of Timothy letter. This is a powerful tool!!! With love,

FROM AFRICA:  Hi, this is a great books received with true blessings! Thank you John for your time to write. Amen!

FROM CENTRAL AMERICA:  Dear my friend John, It has been long without communicating. But, you continue to be in my prayer. How is Sandra and Ken? Extend greetings when you see them. Thanks a lot… Much love,

FROM AFRICA:  Hello Dad… You continue to inspire me through your site!

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, This is wishing you happiness and good health together with your family.

FROM AFRICA:  Dear our mentor, I trust that everything is going well with you there. _____ my brother is very often communicating with us here through emails. He is a good man of God who always is ready to help. Our fellowship is doing well and spiritually progressing. Thanks for your website and books which is playing a big part for our growth. Dad, You continue to be in our thoughts dear! Yours son in faith,

FROM AFRICA:  Dear beloved Dad… Thank you for your powerful email. Our Father is so amazing! I am always Interested and want to learn more from you! In respect, Son

FROM EUROPE:  Dear Pastor John, It was so wonderful to receive the booklets printed in _____, which is our spoken language here. They were sent to me from _____ by a friend… Thank you for this generous gift. The message looks touching. I hope I will update you soon of how this books have helped. Again, thank you,

FROM AFRICA:  Beloved Dad… I am truly grateful for what you have done! Your support is so Big and has impacted lives. Thank you for taking your time and efforts to pray and bless the work of God. You have really made a difference! Son

FROM AFRICA:  Thank you, beloved Dad and Mom and happy Shavuot to you and all brothers and sisters in Follow me ministries! Shabbat Shalom. God bless Follow me ministries family. Blessings, Son

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, Thank you for your good teachings that is leading souls to depend on eternal God rather than depending, the church, pastor and others as the Christian “church” of today is teaching everyone to depend on “the Church” rather than on God. Keep on. God bless,

FROM AFRICA:  Beloved Dad… I, and your family in Follow me ministries – Africa sends greetings to you in Yeshua name! How are you today? Once I receive a new teaching from you, I just forward It to those who are helping me in the translation of different languages spoken in the world. The work has been done and today, the press received 16 translations from this volunteers for printing the booklets (God Fills Emptied Disciples). This is a very Important lesson for All Nations of the earth, I like It very much. God bless! Hugs! Shalom, Son 

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, Good morning! How is your family doing in the Lord? We are truly thankful for the work you are doing. This is to just inform you that we received the $____ you sent last week. It will be used to pay for the next bills, the cost and transport and $___ for local transportation (home to home visitation) team for witnessing and handing out our Follow me ministries teaching materials across. God bless! Have a great day Dad! Shalom,

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Beloved Dad, First of all: Thank you. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for every teaching lesson, your family, the pilot staff & Follow me ministries Discipleship training. Thank you for your prayers for which has directed lost souls to accept Yeshua as their Lord and Savior. Praise God that this has been a turning point in many lives. Thanks for great men like you who has spent your life & time with me and people around the continents of the world teaching about the Bible. I still think of you and your value of life to us. And I wouldn’t be who I am without you. That pretty much sums up your servant heart. I am very proud for letting me serve with you when our FMM was birth. I and wife we also took God at his word and we continue in our life to worship Him a lot. And trying to follow the Spirit in everything. I appreciate and love you Dad! Son

FROM AFRICA:  It is a great good work and a great gift to us in Africa,. I bow to you for your efforts to bring these uplifting and illuminating truths, grounded in the Bible to the benefit of us all. Again, thank you Dad!!! In Christ,

FROM AFRICA:  Thank you friend and man of God John Marquez. We are inspired by your writings. We really receive blessings from your work. Kindly, say hello to your family and ministry partners!

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Pastor John, Please allow me to thank you for your supreme work in the Lord The two paths is the best leading book among others! Be blessed,

FROM AFRICA:  Shalom achi! [Hebrew for “Peace, Brother!”] What I have is gratitude for you. God is standing right in front of Follow me ministries. He is pleased. God is really and truly pleased with our work. Yes, we distributed yesterday thousands and thousands of our booklets out to overseers and we praise G-d for His work. Shabbat shalom,

FROM NORTH AMERICA:  Hi, thank you for your services. God bless you and your staff board. God Bless the Follow me ministries for the gathering souls into God’s kingdom. Peace and blessings,

FROM AFRICA:  Dear Dad, On this beautiful Sabbath day, I want to say thank you for your sacrifice to our people in Africa. Because of your commitment, we all here in the continent of Africa can enjoy to see people touched and saved. Thank you for making a difference! Extend greetings to mum and everyone there who loves Yeshua. Sabbath blessings, Daughter

FROM NORTH AMERICA:  Hey brother John, Thanks for your teachings. I visited your website & honored to know that you have so much great work that has covered the whole world. It is fabulous!  Brother, I seek to join! God bless,


Let’s close out this month’s mail with a beautiful exhortation from Philippians 3:7-16 (Amplified Version) – just let it wash over and refresh your soul as it has mine…

But whatever former things I had that might have been gains to me, I have come to consider as [one combined] loss for Christ’s sake. Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord an of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One),

And that I may [actually] be found and known as in Him, not having any [self-achieved] righteousness that can be called my own, based on my obedience to the Law’s demands (ritualistic uprightness and supposed right standing with God thus acquired), but possessing that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in Christ (the Anointed One), the [truly] right standing with God, which comes from God by [saving] faith.

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope] that if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].

Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me His own. I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.

So let those [of us] who are spiritually mature and full-grown have this mind and hold these convictions; and if in any respect you have a different attitude of mind, God will make that clear to you also. Only let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by that.

Beautiful, is it not?

Love, Nancy