Dear Ones,
You’ll see below that our ‘mailbox’ again this month was filled with new family connections. The Holy Spirit continues to move in ways beyond our understanding in order to add more and more people to His ever growing FMM Family as we are faithful to His training in Father’s vision for discipleship. My disciple training this month had a couple of out of the ordinary applications and before I begin sharing this month’s news from around the world, I wanted to share these two with you as well.
#1 – As you know from the previous months’ Family News, the majority of emails we receive are from people expressing their thanks to God for the way in which His Biblical Truth is shared through the website and printed booklets. This month we received a much more substantive email. A precious hurting sister poured out her story of brokenness and healing received from our Lord. As I read her note, I was immediately reminded of another precious sister from centuries ago who broke her alabaster jar of precious ointment to anoint the Lord’s feet. And I felt like that was exactly what had happened here. I felt a holy reverence for what the Lord had done and was doing in her life and that we had been entrusted with a treasure that needed to be treated with utmost respect and tender loving care. I believed that her story would be a great encouragement to the FMM family at large but it was too personal, too transparent to share without her permission. So I emailed to ask, and as of this writing, I do not have that permission so it is not included here. You all know we are learning what covenant-level love and loyalty looks like and this was a perfect example of how it functions. We not only are called to care for and pray for one another, we are also to protect one another’s hearts and dignity. So I wanted to let the family know that when other similar stories come our way, we will treat them with the same love and respect and loyalty. We will not ‘uncover one another’s nakedness’ so any deeply personal stories will not be shared unless the writer has given us permission to do so.
#2 – We also received our first serious inquiry about where FMM stands on a specific topic that had not been included in the Statement of Faith. We here in Omaha are doing the very thing we encourage the rest of the FMM family to do – which is the same thing our incarnate Lord did – obey what the Father says, period. No more, no less. So this question took us to Him… Father, how do we respond? What do we say? And, most importantly, what do You say? We believe you’ve raised us up to expound the Truths You’ve given in the Word and continually point people to your Risen Son. And life experiences have allowed us to see the all too common (and very unhealthy) ways we humans have of messing up your messages. When we keep things focused always and only on your Word (Living and written), things are very clear. But if/when we focus on things about the Word, it can get very messy. So Father, do we also address questions about topics that may be controversial? Topics that have traditionally divided believers? Topics that may someday actually be presented to us in a hostile and challenging manner? And if we are to do so, do we do it one on one with the inquirer? Or do we incorporate this into the ‘open book’ that the website is shaping up to be?
Well, we think we are to continue the transparency and share such correspondence openly. We actually see this as another application of covenant level loyalty to our God. So this new facet is currently in the same safety protocol of checks and balances here at ‘home’ that Father gave us originally – safety for the writer, safety in our responses.
So more additions on the website are in process. At the bottom of the Statement of Faith page, we’ll insert a small line followed by a short introduction. After that will be a topical link that people can click to take them to the actual Questions & Answers section which will be incorporated on the Letters from Home page. The first topic content will be this first inquiry mentioned above and then will increase as more inquiries come our way. And that’s where we can really use the FMM family’s intercession.
Please pray for us as this new content continues to unfold in our hearts, minds and spirits. While this month’s inquiry was clearly an honest question posed by an honest believer, we recognize that each human being has varied life experiences, has received various teachings, and holds deep belief systems. And due to our lives being lived out here on planet earth, we humans usually have quite a mix rolling around in our brains — some truth, some real Biblical Truth, some error, some outright lies, some misunderstanding, some defenses, some offenses… you get the picture. In Christ Life, we referred to all that as ‘Mental Concrete’ and of course, that concrete needs to be broken up before the Seed of the Word can take root and produce fruit.
As we’ve prayed over this first of its kind inquiry, we believe Father is giving us insight related to handling any and all inquiries which will be shared when we launch the new page. It appears the first step is to be a one on one response to those who contact us and the dear brother who had written in this month has already received email responses from John. It’s the expanded application, the broader family teaching for a larger audience, that’s being finalized. We see this new Q&A section as an opportunity to demonstrate covenant loyalty, not only to our God but also to His beloved humans. (You’ll recall how covenant works – if A is in covenant with B and A is in covenant with C, then B is in covenant with C, for A’s sake. Our application – if God is in covenant with FMM, and God is in covenant with all of His beloved humans, then FMM is in covenant with all of His beloved humans, for His sake.) The challenge is for us to present that covenant loyalty in a way that is airtight in its first and foremost commitment to Truth Himself while still expressing that Truth in a way that is loving and respectful even if/when future questions may be more confrontational and adversarial in tone. We stand firm in the belief in and commitment to this: that the authority for the last word belongs to only One – our Lord. And so what He says must be the only plumb line to measure fact from falsity, truth from error.
May I say again how very much I love and appreciate all of you! It’s impossible to convey how much Father has used you to expand and encourage my own disciple journey. As the emails continue to come in, I’m beginning to understand the amazing magnitude of His perfect plan to create one body for His only begotten and beloved Son, and it keeps me on my knees in prayer, praise and adoration.
May He truly receive the glory due His mighty Name as together we exalt Him!
With love, your sister Nancy
And now here’s this month’s mail… may it bless you as much as it has us here in Omaha!
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear brother John, This is your sister _____ from _____. I was touched and received the move of God through one of your booklet. Please be blessed!!
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad…God cares about your work for Him. Our Shabbat services went well. I have been using the file of your teachings to teach my people out there at the open air meetings. Souls were saved. Thank you for joining me in your call and Follow me ministries. This is wonderful place to be and keep connected with several hundreds who follow this website ( FMM ) and to get to know some very neat people from time to time. I and wife we are pleased to connect with people and build long lasting friendships that will give us strength on this journey. Give them all our greetings. Give mum big hug! How is she doing? God is real good! Amen Love, son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, We are happy today to write to you. We are blessed to use your teachings. It has brought a great change with big progress Spiritually. You are in our prayers Dad.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear servant of God Dr. John, Somebody working with _____ left for me 3872 booklets (Moses receives his true Identity 8), for free distributions. She asked me to write and inform you about their arrival in _____. Myself, is a _____ and saved. The teachings are good and promise you to share them with all people. Shalom.
FROM AFRICA: Dear man of God John and Mary, I’m more than happy for what i received from your Pamphlets: Moses goes to boot camp 5, Moses receives his true identity 8 and Why obedience to God’s word is eternal 4. There were 215 copies written not for sale.God bless your work. Your sister
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad and Mum…I am writing this e-mail first of all to give all of the Glory to the Eternal Hashem and the Holy Yeshua. Praised be the name of the Holy of Israel. I love the special anointing that Hashem has freely given you. Your teachings has made us to be a firm believer in Mashiach Yeshua. I have a special love for you and your family. I am always studying the living word from your FMM file and it transforms me and connects me with GOD like no other teachings. I have been able to even learn some words in the process. I really wish you and Mum success and more outpouring of God’s blessings into your life. I was happy to see FMM being contacted by people from _____. It is so very nice to actually see the chosen people of Jehovah finally believing that Jesus is the Mashiach! It is very sad for me to see the rest of the people not believing in Jeshua and still waiting for the Mashiach to come. Dad & Mum, may Hashem EL Shaddai bless you and your Ministry, your family and your generations to come as He did with beloved “David”!!! Keep up the good work and the beautiful teachings. Your son
FROM CENTRAL AMERICA: Thank you brother John for this Pamphlets the boot camp of Moses no 7and booklet no 8. It came good timing, but John, i have been a christian for many years still not maturing in my spiritual growth, I feel lonely, so have questioned God if he wants us to have Godly friends to grow, where is he?? I pray for Godly friends and have been for some time, i have shut down crying myself to sleep, so im a little confused??? it seems i am sharing my spirtual life on the computer where instead i crave to sit with a group of Godly christian friends to socialise, I am married with children, yet i feel lonely and desire for God to lead down to earth christian friends, is this too much to be asking God?? I am thankful today that he has connected and leaded me to you and your Follow me ministry. Please help me to grow… [NOTE: John responded and the following is this brother’s response.]
FROM CENTRAL AMERICA: Dear brother John, Thank you very much. Your email has encouraged me and i believe to build a strong relationship with you. I have much to share… Thank you.
FROM CENTRAL AMERICA: Dear John and Mary Marquez, Thank you so much for giving me insight in God’s word and promises through Moses receives his true Identity, purpose and destiny 8. Also, the gospel of righteousness. I have been under demonic attacks in _____ for so long now and have been praying and using God’s words and promise when Satan flood my mind with doubts and fear I speak God’s word and his whole presence in my mind disappear. I love God and I believe his words. Thanks so much for helping me discover further my God and Savior Jesus Christ the Son of God. God bless you and your Ministry! Follow me ministries.Looking forward to hear from you.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: This is _____ wife to _____. I am the director for women _____ new life. Somebody once again directed a huge box with 5,090 booklets to our regional office. He is _____ from _____. Please write and tell us how you will need us to work with you. Blessings!
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear brother John, I just apologize that I have taken along time that you never heard from me. I have been busy…but still praying for you and the work of God in _____. Pray also for us in _____. When are you coming to our church for teaching? Love you brother!
FROM AFRICA: Hello Pastor John and Lady Mary, I am blessed again to receive at my home town business in _____ another bag of 321 teaching books. God knows why i do receive them. Brother, i do not know you or my eye has never seen you anywhere but we have seen the true gospel of God in your heart. Where were you when you wrote Moses goes to boot camp 5, Naked before God, foundational teachings, our Fathers rescue mission, Broken people in a broken world, the headless world system and Moses receives his true identity, purpose and destiny? You are a wonderful preacher and teacher who abides in His word. Your life and call mighty be a blessings to 7 billions souls on earth dear John and your wife lady Mary. Hope to hear from you!
FROM ASIA: Brother John, This is my greetings from _____. A priest commented about your books at a certain funeral services we attended in our area. Everyone was interested to look for them. He personally gave me your website address whereby i have benefited a lot.. Extend our sincere greetings to your staff. We love you all in Jesus mighty name! Yours in Christ,
FROM AFRICA: Dear servant of God Rev John, I’ m working as a _____ in _____. A missionary from _____ who visited our country for a conference shared and distributed as free gifts your booklets like Moses receives true identity, purpose and destiny 8 and our utterly perfect God. More than 1500 people received each and other books remained for _____ as he said. He asked us if we know you but none did.. It is good that God wanted to know you, your website and ministry in this way! Your message is real helpful. You are needed brother! keep up the journey writing..
FROM AFRICA: I am writing Dad… to know how our friend Susan’s mother doing today? There is a agreement in prayers! Please pass greetings to mum… how is she doing? I wanted finally to say hi to Nancy who is doing nice work on Follow me ministries website.
FROM EUROPE: Dear Pastor John, I am writing to thank you and your Follow me ministry for the messages you write on booklets. Through the grace of God, I came across your two booklets – Broken people in a broken world and The two human races. Thank you Pastor, for allowing God to use you to save lives. Your sacrifice is not in vain. I pray for you and your family and congregation all the time. I speak abundance and wisdom in all your ways.
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, I was blessed when i saw some pictures from _____. This mighty be a Spirit filled life… He is seriousness preaching the salvation gospel to his people in _____. Hallelujah! He is a good young man of God who always is for the lost world. I have never forgotten you and i will not in my life. I wish the world will have 50 people like you. Greetings from your Church FMM in _____. We have today victory in Jesus and are doing well and growing Spiritually by the help of your prayers and teachings. I am your son and daugther,
FROM ASIA: Dear man of God Dr. John, Thank you so much. I’ m writing you from _____. I request you Spiritual friendship through praying each other and sending us your inspired teaching materials like the one I read recently The living word appears, and, to my brothers and sisters in ______. I with my team, we are interested in your Follow me ministry. Real the Lord birth this ministry beyond human reasoning ( understanding). John, your blessings are great. Thank you dr. Your work is great!!!!! Welcome to _____. We love to host you and your all meetings here. Amen
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad …I would like to start by Praising God for his glory, his mercy and his grace. I praise God because He is indeed all we need. We need the world to know Him. I was so excited to read precious testimonies from distances continents. Really God loves us and He is working through FMM. However, I am this time on the process printing and hope to travel to _____ next week. I need your prayers! Love you dear Dad! Son
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear Dr John, Time is running out as we are heading to the days of evils. It is a sign that Jesus is soon coming. Dr. since i knew you, i have never ceased to pray for you. I love your work and recently started to use the teachings from Follow me ministries website to teach my congregation. Please if you have time, write to encourage us more. Your sister
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear Pastor John, Christian greetings in Jesus name! I am your sister from _____ working with the office of _____. Please we wanted you to know that we are a part of your ministry – Follow me ministry – by distributing out your teachings materials to countries which are far especially _____. We do receive this materials from our beloved servant of God _____ from _____. Pastor, our _____ accepted your materials free of charge because It only reveals the original plan of salvation to men without having any political affairs. Thank you. We promise to spread the good news together.
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Dad. Once again thank you for the funds for printing expenses as Father wanted. More than 90,000 copies were printed and readyfor distribution. Hundreds of people are waiting to receive the books. I have received a call from _____ that she needs 50,000 copies for her country. Imagine!!! I will email you later today. Son and Daughter
FROM NORTH AMERICA: How are you man of God? Hope to meet you sometimes! before the return of Christ on earth. We have got your email from _____ in ______ that ______ has given her 23,000 copies of your books from Follow me ministries with its headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. I’m living in _____. Looking forward to see them. All whom are with us here, sends greetings to you.
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved covenant friend… It was awesome! I have done distributing our precious teachings to _____. I prayed for those people who knows and are much interested in Follow me ministry… to start supporting… The distribution was wonderful. It was distributed by _____ from _____ through the countries. _____ from _____ was blessed to receive about 20,000 books since she shows to people to be with great interest until i heard a person saying, what is in that booklet that people are running for? She was answered that its message is like a fire burning. Friends, the need is high but the teaching materials are always few. There is a store in _____ that wanted our teachings for distribution to whoever enters its door to buy… Finally, It’s true as the words of Jesus… The harvest is great but the labors are few. Let us keep praying the Lord to bring in FMM His servants with the heart of reaching out the lost souls. Have a nice day! and greet Mum, your staff and all in Jeshua.
FROM UNKNOWN LOCATION: Dear brother, How are you doing in the ministry? Hope you received my email through website contact form! I shared your booklet with some groups of bible study here and are so eager to join you in prayer. I am in positions to print your website teachings for our churches use, kindly, allow us..?
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Dear Pastor John, You have made God of Jesus Christ to be known around the nations of the world. We do hear about you in _____ and we are glad last night to read your books that we received through _____. Your message is so simple in your pamphlets and booklets that invites everyone to come to our dear Jesus who dies because of us all. We are happy to write you and show a word of appreciations for the good work ( books ). By the way, how can we hear you personally? will you be able to visit us at _____? We will be glad to host you. Good!
FROM AFRICA: The Moses receives is true Identity, purposes, destiny no 8 is unique! It capitalizes on the universal romantic outlook of all human race. Its exceptional ability to correlate the wistful longing of our souls to find dear Jesus mentioned in Genesis 3:15 in the Old Testament. Your Bible study is distinctive.
FROM AFRICA: I loved reading Johns Marquez books especially, Moses goes to boot camp, to know God and his word is eternal 4, Disciples life as revealed through Joseph 32 and Dancing in the arena 33.. I felt as if I was talking to God. May the Lord bless his life and family
FROM AFRICA: I could literally watch the transformations occur within my congregation through Follow me ministries and its websites. Everyone loves that there are huge benefits. First, motivated them for trusting in God to work. Second: watching our relationship with God to be true and good. Thanks brothers. Have nice days
FROM AFRICA: Thank you so much brother John and Mary Marquez for blessing our lives with your wonderful Follow me ministry. I can’t wait to be a part of your next study!
FROM AFRICA: I just finished J.Marquez’s, teaching Moses receives his true Identity, purposes, and destiny. I loved it. The teachings was to teach us what to look for the purpose and destiny of our lives. It again taught me how to build a true relationship with Jesus and created a deeper emotion level that I’ve never felt. I want to live my life for God. I know that in God’s eyes I can be what ever I want to be and that’s all that matters.
FROM AFRICA: As a mom, your study has truly been an answer to my urgent prayers to reach my daughter by providing an avenue to discuss, teach and study God’s plan for finding true love in Him. Walking through your study together put us on a common ground in which I found it easy to relate to even my neighbour. They found it interesting and reached to love Jesus and follow Him. Blessings,
FROM AFRICA: Follow me ministry teachings helped me recognize the difference between counterfeit love of religion and true love of God. I have a confidence in knowing this. I also love the way your message is completely wrapped in Love, not rigid legalism or condemnation.
FROM AFRICA: When I fail to take the “promised land” I’m failing to obey God. Therefore, Follow me ministries by John Marquez reminded me how much God loves me and what He gave us so that I might have life. Bye!
FROM AFRICA: The follow me ministry has probably been the biggest “wake-up call” I’ve had so far in my life. I’ve always known God and have grown up in church, but nothing has touched me the way this teachings has done. After I began going, my youth group seemed dull and less sincere than this. I was in a comfortable environment where I wasn’t being judged and becoming closer with God by the minute. Every message felt like he was speaking directly to me, J.Marquez opened my eyes to the Lord.
FROM AFRICA: The challenge on reading John’s books brought me closer to the Lord. I had very good and long conversations with my Lord.
FROM AFRICA: We are now empowered by the teachings of brother John from USA to face challenges in everyday life, knowing that we are never alone. It has given us strength to turn away from our negative influences. Not only did John open the door to a relationship with God, He opened doors for the world to hear about God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His vision has become our journey! Hope to hear from you again.
FROM EUROPE: Dearest Pastor John, I am married and blessed by children and called to serve the Lord as a Pastor in _____. The christian member from my congregation blessed our ministry with a bag of your booklets such as moses receives his true identity, Disciples life as reaveled through Joseph and many other good books. We are requested by this booklets to write to this email address for seeking more help. We are one and half years old and needs Spiritual help. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA: Dear brother John, I was blessed to read a booklet 9 today written by you. It is as if it was written to me. Your book meets the desire of my heart. I will tell my Pastor and friends about it. Thank you.
FROM EUROPE: Hello brother John and Mary, I am a young lady from _____. I got your email address through a small booklet – Naked before God. It was awesome…If you have time, we invite you to visit our country for further teachings. By the way, do we have your Follow me ministry in _____? If so, I would have love to attend your teachings there. Love you dear servant of God.
FROM CENTRAL AMERICA: Dear brother John and Nancy, I am always following you on the website and everything there is OK. Please thank you for the family news. He is the Holy Spirit leaded you to start it. There are millions of souls who are day to day blessed by this wonderful site. Keep it up Nancy..!
FROM NORTH AMERICA: I did not see anything in the statement of faith about the Holy Spirit concerning the validity of the gifts for today as referenced in the listed scripture. What is the teaching of the ministry in this area? Mark 16:17-18; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 [NOTE: I sent this man what I believe to be a pretty ample response that is hopefully giving him a lot to think and pray about…please keep him in your prayers. John]
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved covenant friend… Our God is awesome! Kindly, I’m doing well but so busy preaching and teaching at a revival meeting where I was invited to speak about _____ miles away from home. I did not expected that I will be staying for all these days since others were there who did not attended. Please, I apologize for my delay to write.. As you know, I always tell people about you and Follow me ministry. I have not forgotten to send you a picture of the printed book as I promised you soon as possible. It is my desire for you to see how the booklets looks like once printed. Many people are accepting the teachings of Jesus Christ for their first time. Praise the Lord that our teachings have helped them to understand well…Warm appreciations from _____. Give Mum BIG hug? Hope she is doing well today. However, how is also your Dad today? How is your family and all my friends there? Extend our greetings to everyone! Thank you for the October weekly updates. This is God who is doing. My heart was moved when you said that the teachings must pass certain steps until I receive them for printing. Yes, we are advancing on the face of the world. Dad, through your teachings, I started connected to different people around the world. I am not the same again. Son
FROM ASIA: Dear Senior director Dr. John and Mary Marquez, I am out here preaching Jesus Christ to my people in _____. I have succeeded to plant Churches here in the cities of _____, _____, _____, _____ and _____. However on _____, i am making a trip to _____ with an aim of planting a Church there. The point is that my friend from here living in _____ after he introduced your books to us, he sent them from _____ about 5964 only. The copies are from Genesis to Exodus series 9. I will be blessed to share them to all churches under my leadership. You are really a servant of God ordained for the spreading gospel of Jesus Christ. All my Pastors sends greetinngs to you in USA. Thanks Sir,
FROM EUROPE: Dear brother John, Greetings! The work of God is going reaching for the lost and encouraging the believers here in _____. Your teachings is very helpful. I am honored to speak to different congregations here in the ground through it. Brother,
FROM NORTH AMERICA: [This one is from a dear local brother disciple that some of us know personally. He is making reference to _____ whose question regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit was listed above…_____’s email and this one came a few days apart from each other. John]
Good morning John! I am not sure if you remember me. My wife and I used to go to _____. I had no idea of what you were doing…a friend sent me a link to your web site. It is so rich! Secondly, a guy I’m discipling sent you an email and he was really impressed with you & what you responded to him with in regards to the Holy Spirit. The Lord is really drawing him deeper into Himself. _____ went with my wife & I to _____ and God rocked his world! Anyway, thank you…may the Lord continue to use you profoundly for His glory!