Dear Ones,
This month’s Family News introduction is from John (Dad) – it began as a response to the encouragements found in the first listed Family News letter, both of which are a beautiful word of exhortation for us all. Enjoy!
With love always,
Your sister Nancy
Beloved Son…thank you so much for these awesome words. They are a wonderful reminder that we all need to hear on a regular basis. It is only by moving forward in the midst of our impossibilities that we can come to know for ourselves, the Truth underlying God’s Revelation of Himself… that He is Perfect; that His Finished Work of Creation and Redemption are Perfect; that His Eternal Covenant and Faithful Lovingkindness are Perfect… and that in Yeshua… all of His promises and all of His Revelation are already Present and Perfectly fulfilled. And He is waiting to bestow them upon us… according to our faith.
We can know nothing of this if all we do is consider our circumstances, and what the worldly people around us are saying and doing. We can know nothing of this if all we do is consider our own perceptions, viewpoint, opinions and the thoughts they cause us to have and how those thoughts begin to make us feel. None of that has anything to do with God and His eternal nature. They are merely temporary created things that operate on a completely different dimension. God is in His own dimension… the dimension of eternity. And there… He is Perfection.
None of the temporary circumstances and feelings we experience here matter. All that matters is that Almighty God is GOD! And in His nature, He is Perfect and so are His Love and Provision and Protection perfect… and… if we will only listen to His living Word and do what He says, we will experience for ourselves how wonderful He truly is:
“At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well pleasing in Your sight. All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Mt. 11:25-30)
God did not allow Moses, or the Israelite people to wallow in their circumstances and feelings and perceptions. He forced them to move forward… so that He could reveal Himself in all of His Glory to them. And if we allow Him to teach us in this way also… we too will be a people that are no longer slaves to circumstances and temporary worldly events and circumstances. We will be bond slaves to the Word of God… and sons and heirs of The Perfect One… for all of eternity!
It is for this reason that we must press on… and keep putting one foot in front of the other until the Lord Himself tells us it is time to stop. We will only stop following… when He stops leading. But as long as He leads; we follow… and even as we’re following… WE ABIDE IN HIM! As long as we do this… nothing the powers of Darkness try to do to us will succeed. Our Lord is their Lord too; and as long as we are following Him… we abide in His Eternal Triumph and there is nothing His defeated foes can do about it.
Please give my loving regards and greetings to all of our FMM Family members!
FROM AFRICA: How are you Dad? I hardly consider myself ever being at a loss for words, but Follow me ministries has been an amazing blessing to me in reaching and connecting with all types of people over the world. Over the last weekend, I went back through your last lessons on Exodus 14:15 “And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:” Suddenly, they come to the Red Sea. The enemy is behind. They can’t go left or right. They can’t go back.
Moses began to cry to the Lord. And God said… “What are you crying to me for? Tell Israel to go forward.” But there was no apparent way to go forward. No boats or bridges. They couldn’t possibly swim across. But God said “Go Forward.” And when they did, God did something He had never done before, and Israel escaped on dry land. The unexpected happened when they began to MOVE FORWARD! There is only one way to move in the Kingdom: MOVE FORWARD! When we MOVE FORWARD the Lord will open the door! Awesome lesson! Loved by many in Africa. Blessings and love, Son
FROM AFRICA: Hi our spiritual mentor dad, The following email was shared by _____, to the follow me ministries and Adat family in the continent of Africa. It has really strong foundation to our faith as we head together to that beautiful city coming soon! God bless you!
FROM AFRICA: Hello my dad, We are deeply, deeply excited to say that thank you for your often efforts and without your support we can no longer allow access to Follow me ministries printing materials for distribution in Africa and countries located outside Africa. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly Follow me ministries and we are happy to do this. Thanks a lot.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Hello Dr. John, Best books. I wish to see you one day! Blessings!
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Indeed Marquez John… Am encouraged by the testimonies on your website, and will grow in my faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Pastor John, You can’t know how much you are a blessing to me and my family! I praise God for you and Follow me ministries. Amen.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: Servant of God John, thank you again for sending your books to my mail address in _____. They were received last night and are of a great way of helping me and others spiritually. G-d bless!
FROM AFRICA: Greetings from _____. Thank you for your precious words that you shared with our brother _____ through an email to him. This email was forwarded to everyone in FMM Africa and brings a great encouragement to us all. Hallelujah! Yours in faith,
FROM EUROPE: Dear brother John, I just moved with my family from _____ and am living in Europe. John, thank you for mailing your books entitled my presence shall go with you and what does it mean to take God’s name in vain. Really you are a brother who loves God and His people. Hope this books will be of a great help to us all. Yours,
FROM ASIA: JM, A large bag with follow me ministries materials arrived this morning. It was received by _____ from USA and he gave me a copy -my presence shall go with you. Thank you my friend. Good work. We need you!
FROM AFRICA: Dad, Glory be to God! Shalom to you and mum! The LORD continues to bless souls through our teachings. Thank you for being committed to the things of God. Amen! Son
FROM AFRICA: Hello dad, Me and my children are doing fine in the Lord. Also, Fmm church is OK! God is doing a beautiful thing on our part. Many people are reaching us being interested by our teachings. The word of God has been contradicted by our preachers here and few preaches the truth as It is in the word. We are having new members who wants to be baptized by immersion. I have asked brother _____ to come and help the work. I am still waiting his reply. Glory be to God! Can you supply us with your materials? We will be thankful. Much love,
FROM ASIA: This is a powerful email to me. God leaded your words to meet my innermost needs. Thank you John. Can you make a trip to _____ soon? Praying!
FROM AFRICA: Hey Dad, we send much greetings from _____. We still appreciate your efforts and heart full of compassion to help save lives at our region. Regards,
FROM AFRICA: Dearest Dad…. We are still on our journey to extend the reach of our teaching materials across all the regions of Africa. I personally thank God for the love and apostolic unity, with the mandate of Messiah. Once again, I pray God a special blessing over these hard-working men and women in the networking distribution. They are doing all this for God’s glory. We have needs today for the printing cost and electric bill, but the greatest need is Yeshua Messiah! Please Lord, I beg and plead with you to send blessings upon these great men and women in Omaha, USA. In Yeshua I pray Amen! Shalom to you and mum, Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, The husband of the late sister from _____ he has requested me to go there and visit the work. He said that over ___ people have accepted Christ – Messiah as their personal savior and needs water baptism. My heart is moved to visit them once again. I believe my brothers and sisters there needs to be encouraged by us and our presence. I have asked my friends here if they can assist me to visit. Pray and need your thoughts please. Son
FROM AFRICA: Brother John, May God bless you! The order was paid today $___ but the materials will be collected from us on _____.
FROM AFRICA: As I have been using your teachings, I have seen God’s word growing me with my family. It is good teachings for one who wants to build true relationship with Jesus but not religion. Thanks John. Your spiritual son in faith,
FROM AFRICA: Hello John Marquez, I have been _____ follower for ___ years now. I recently stopped to be a follower of _____ as I read some of your books about God deals with the reality of sin and consequences, Only after death can resurrection appear and God`s point of entry. This message changed my minds and declared my position in Jesus Christ. I am no longer a slave again. We are about ___ here who started a new faith in God. Thank you brother. Know that our hearts are open to receive from you. Looking forward to hear from you. Brother and sisters,
FROM EUROPE: I am so moved by what you and others with you are doing for God. Please pray for me and my family.
FROM EUROPE: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this book – I will be a regular visitor to your Follow me ministries website.
FROM NORTH AMERICA: John, peace and blessings to u! We pray you to visit us here? Your booklets are great. The message is ever touching. Amen!
FROM AFRICA: Dear father in faith, Let you know that we are blessed by the work on your website. With humble request, can you do a favor to post Timothy letter for each month? This letter is very important to me and I think, to many. Thank you.
[Note from Nancy – I agree that the Timothy letters are great blessings to all who read them. What we need to remember is that our brother who writes the Timothy letters sends them in whenever the Holy Spirit lays something on his heart to share with the FMM family so it’s not on a monthly publishing schedule like some of the other posts. So even though we want them more often, let’s trust the Spirit to speak to us through Timothy always and only in His perfect timing.]
FROM ASIA: The box was full of your teaching materials. We appreciate you and your sacrifice very much. Have blessed day Indeed John!
FROM AFRICA: Shalom greetings, It’s much happiness to see in your website how Yeshua’s leading you in teaching His wonderful word of life, so much touched to read what is in your website. We are young ministry who need to grow with this teachings. kindly we pray to help us where possible and join our hands with your ministry as Abba Father will lead you. Kindly pray for Bibles and the Orphans in our fellowships. Hope to hear from you in Yeshua’s will.
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Dear Achi, may we all serve in building that ‘Highway’ for the coming of our risen Lord! Nevertheless, I congratulate you for Timothy post, It causes some strength in my spiritual journey. Shalom, _____ family
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… First receive much greetings from Africa. We all appreciate for the electric bill support we received from Rav Nate – Adat HTZ through you. May God bless u Indeed! With love from Africa, Son
FROM AFRICA: I got your book here at _____ few days ago and was inspired greatly. The message here is OK! for the Way of truth is the Pathway to the Eternal life in Jesus Christ. Many blessings to you brother John and your family. Hope to see your trip to Africa. Brother
FROM AFRICA: Dear beloved Dad…. Follow me ministries and Adat HaTikvat Tzion – Africa has ever committed to the Lord to spend our life, our time, our gifts to train others to do the work of the ministry so to be more fruitful and to show them their great worth. We thank G-d that our prayers, love and teachings continue to reach and touch millions of lives around Africa and beyond. We also thank God for your often support for the preparation of all the teaching materials. This means translation into the native and foreign tongues, printing and binding of the booklets that we distribute out weekly. The Lord continues to open doors for our ministry. The number of people who are coming for our teachings is increasing daily. Our ministries are every weekend invited to go out and speak the word of God at Churches and ministries here on the ground. May the favor of the LORD rest upon us!!! With deepest appreciation, Son
FROM AFRICA: A new FMM/ADAT congregation formed in _____ as a result of the gratitude people felt to FMM after we helped them with the burial of _____ who passed away recently. _____ emailed last week and asked him to come to visit them so that he could baptize the new believers that had come to faith since the funeral.
FROM AFRICA: Dearest Dad, _____ received thousands of your booklets like, Only in the wilderness, The effects of Israel’s betrothal to God’s living and many many others. The materials were distributed all in the next day. We keep praying for you and beloved ones in FMM. In His beauty, Daughter
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad.. I’m truly grateful for your commitment and dedication to supporting the work of printing the Follow me ministries teaching materials weekly. I`m writing this note to express how grateful I am for having receiving your $____. It is the love of God that is moving the work forward. Jesus Christ (Yeshua) has called us to be fishers of men. He needs us not only to fish, but also to train others how to fish. The more people Follow Me ministries and Adat Hatikvat Tzion will train to fish for souls, the sooner He can come back to this earth. Shalom, Son
FROM OCEANIA: I received in my postal address about ____ copies of your books. It is awesome teachings to be shared. With thanks,
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad… Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to greet you in 2015. Shabbat blessings, Son
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Man of God, how are you doing? Receive greetings from _____. God’s word in your Pamphlets has spread throughout our region. You can find these materials everywhere here. We wish to host you if you plan a trip.
FROM AFRICA: Thank you for being obedient to the call of God. It has been confirmed that follow me ministries is Spirit filled teaching ministry who preaches the living word with conviction while welcoming every one Into His kingdom no matter what his/her past may hold. Yours In Jesus name,
FROM AFRICA: Hey Dad, Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua Messiah, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Messiah. Ephesians 1:3 Last week, I was watching hundreds of runners complete their journey here at _____. Anyway, the thought came to me that I want to run through the finish line of life and ministry. I want to finish well. A number of your teaching lessons 2 years ago, I heard you teaching how one must finish well by having a close relationship with God, By learning and growing, leave behind a legacy of positive contributions. The Bible says, remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:7-8 Dad, You have truly done great to help reach lost souls! You will forever be remembered and respected. Can you pray with me for this orphans today! There is no food remaining at the store to eat or drink. Actually, know that your commitment is totally appreciated. Thanks Dad! With loving heart,
FROM AFRICA: Dear precious Dad, We received Follow Me Ministries printed materials today at _____ and the distribution is going on. _____ said that most of the materials this time are going sto _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____. Glory be to God! Amen! Daughter,
FROM AFRICA: Good morning! I visited the husband of _____ in the hospital yesterday and he is doing better everyday. Hug for me sister Mary. The work of God keeps growing. Lives of people are being touched and changed through your teachings. People like your teachings because they just direct one to our dear Yeshua Messiah. The need increases everyday. The booklets that we received yesterday were not enough for people who wanted to travel with them into far countries. You and others there including _____ are doing great. We love you and pray for you always! Yivarechicha Hashem v’yish’mirecha, Achi [May the Lord bless you and protect you, brother]
FROM EUROPE: Brother John, This is our heartfelt wish for you as you continue sending out the printed word to nations.
FROM AFRICA: Beloved friends Dad and Rav Nate… Over the past year _____ based at _____ Africa has continued to meet spiritual needs with people along with training and distribution of our materials here and overseers. We move forward slowly but at least it’s forward…Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support. You really help us every month to pay electric bill on time and owe no man anything except love. Your gifts are meaningful to us in Africa. For one person to find hope, healing, salvation and encouragement for life and living is worth all the effort you and I expend in our efforts to serve others. Shalom, Son
FROM AFRICA: Dear Pastor John, I come from the _____ churches of _____ and I was more than happy to join your church yesterday anniversary. It was really well organized. I pray to work with you soon.
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad. Warm greetings from my family and orphans. I want to honor God through you for defining our life desire to be of immeasurable value to our resurrected and returning savior Messiah. In fact, through learning from your lessons Genesis – Exodus teachings, you have guided us in the ways that lead to this richness found in being relationship with Yeshua. Let Him be glorified in every effort. Amen! Please give mum a Big hug for me, and the orphans! Beloved daughter,
FROM AFRICA: I finally joined the follow me ministries family in _____ as a full time member. My work here is praying… I wish you the best blessings!! And thank you for your prayers.
FROM EUROPE: Hi John, Thank you for this great message on the booklets! Then, I realized that even on my worse day God still loves me. I am still the apple of HIS eye. With that, I know that even though I have been a backslider I can get up again. That was awesome!!!!!
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST: Rav John, I received books from a good friend in Africa for distribution in _____. I liked the title of the booklets. Of course I have all the respect for every written text. Shalom, Achi
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad. I found this week to be so busy in ministry work. I`m forever grateful for knowing you. You have made a difference in my life and the lives of many in Africa. My soul has been touched in some way and I will never be the same. Truly your life shines on us and has left a lasting impression on our hearts, We define it as a gift without measure and we appreciate each moment you have given in relationship for being there for me and I for you so close over the last 3 years. You are always very special to us and forever remain to have a special place in our hearts. We pray together and move forward with you. We serve Father together knowing that there is life and heaven reward after this (temporary life) breakup. And forever I’ll be greatful for that. For that renewed hope, that renewed alive feeling. Our lives has become a part of your life and we are who we are today because of you. We learn and grow from what you are teaching. Please extend our sincere greetings to Mum, friends and the pilot team when you see them. Have a blessed Shabbat day! Son
FROM EUROPE: Dear John, I returned today to my previous emails read the following email to me and was strongly touched by the holy spirit fire once again. Blessings and love,
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad, Often your thoughts are helpful. This email has got deep and beautiful thoughts to me and Follow me ministries family in Africa. “So in the beginning…it is good that you go to support and help young fledging leaders that are ‘having babies’ to get their families started. But teach them from the beginning to teach, train and raise those babies to become mature leaders in their own time and place. If you do…no one will be overburdened or exhausted or burned out and totally spent…”
For this reason, I asked brother _____ in _____ to do the work by himself and the $____ that I had already received from friends as a bus ticket, were used for the printing cost. I am so happy! And I thank God for you and Follow me ministries family! With great gratitude, Son
FROM ASIA: This is wonderful booklets and a great way to change around the world unto Jesus. Some of your books were distributed here in the last 3 days. Very touching message.
FROM AFRICA: Dear Dad and Mum… I cannot thank you enough for all the support, love and trust you have given me over the 3 years. Without your constant encouragement and advice I would have never made it this far!!! Your words are spirit and has given us life. We love you! and are praying to see you on 2015. God’s blessings, Son
FROM AFRICA: Brother John, I wish I’d had a chance to say a proper thank you in person to you for being such a fantastic Bible teacher. Your teachings makes a difference as compared with _____ churches doctrines. This is to inform you that next Saturday, I am joining you at the congregation here at _____. Brother, pray for me, and my family, as we move out from the denomination to serve the true gospel of Jesus Christ. In His service,
As we close out this month’s newsletter, may I encourage each of us to be steadfast, keeping our eyes on Yeshua, the Author and Finisher of our faith – and to be unmovable in the assurance that He has prevailed on our behalf no matter what hardships and challenges we may encounter. We must keep our focus on His perfection even while juggling situations, relationships, emotions. We are on a journey and it’s a lifelong journey. Our bullseye is to finish well in order to bring to our King the glory He deserves.
Press on, beloved – He’s worthy!