23. The Bible Explains Genesis
23. The Bible Explains Genesis The basic issue of obedience to His Word that God requires is revealed in Genesis and further amplified in Exodus and in the rest of the Torah, as well as in all other books of the Bible. In His perfect justice and wisdom, God gave His...
22. God’s Foundational Pattern for a Wicked World
22. God’s Foundational Pattern for a Wicked World God chose Abraham and his family to serve as His ‘Pattern People’ for the instruction and salvation of the rest of the world. The natural family that came from Abraham, through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob later...
21. Yeshua Visits Abraham
21. Yeshua Visits Abraham Many religious people accept the Tanach (Old Testament) as God’s written Word, but they reject the apostolic writings (New Testament) that proclaim Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth as being God incarnate and Messiah of Israel. Their preconceived...
25. A Deeper Look into God’s Eternal Covenant
25. A Deeper Look into God’s Eternal Covenant God’s dealings with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses, Joshua, Caleb and the second Exodus generation of Israel…and everyone else…manifest the perfection of God’s nature and eternal Blood Covenant ways. The Eternal...
20. The God of the Impossible
20. The God of the Impossible “The LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.’” (Gen. 2:16-17 NASB...
19. Getting Acquainted With Our Living God
19. Getting Acquainted With Our Living God After God’s living Word first made contact with Abram in the time covered by Genesis 12, the Lord began to fulfill the promises He made to protect and provide for him. In Abram’s day, the world contained many beautiful things...
16. The Chosen Ones
16. The Chosen Ones Genesis reveals that Adam and Eve, in believing the Serpent’s lies, tore themselves away from the authority of God’s Word. That means they severed their spiritual connection and that of their offspring, from the Creator and Sustainer of all created...
15. The Head-less World System
15. The Head-less World System The decapitated human race got used to abiding in its ‘living death’ state. So it created a decapitated, living death, world system by which to maintain independence from its Creator. In Genesis 4-11, Cain, Nimrod and the builders of the...
17. The Grand Invasion Begins
17. The Grand Invasion Begins As we ponder the purpose and meaning underlying God’s Redemptive Invasion into the world of ‘Head-less’, demon-manipulated, Sin-corrupted humans, it helps to keep in mind what God repeated about His ways, through the New Covenant writings...
18. The Portal in the Wilderness
18. The Portal in the Wilderness “I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning…” (1 John 2:14a) When we ponder Abraham’s life and significance, it’s important to realize that he is part of each disciple’s life, and each disciple...
14. Our Father’s Awesome Rescue Mission
14. Our Father’s Awesome Rescue Mission God’s Perfect Provision… from the beginning In Genesis 1-11 we see what God has already given us. Through His Word, God has given to every human – His Perfect Eternal Living Word who contains all of God’s Fullness. His...
13. Broken People Existinging in a Broken World
13. Broken People Existing in a Broken World The Serpent succeeded in getting the woman and the man to cut themselves off from God’s Word – their true Life Source. He lured them into rebelling against His authority. So they became radically independent just like the...
12. The Difference between Being ‘Covered’ and Remaining ‘Naked’
12. The Difference between Being ‘Covered’ and Remaining ‘Naked’ “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21) Disciples must be trained to be ‘covered’ at all times in the Biblical sense. So let’s see how God first...
11. Two Human Races and their Inevitable Separation
11. Two Human Races and their Inevitable Separation “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have Righteousness and Lawlessness; or what fellowship has Light with Darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer...
10. The Serpent’s Lie and the Fall of Man
10. The Serpent’s Lie and the Fall of Man “God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”...