The Letters are just that – letters from the FMM Pilot Group to the FMM family at large.  They include our testimonies and other insights that have encouraged our hearts along our own discipleship journeys.

January 19, 2014 Family Letter from Home

  Dear Ones, It’s been awhile since I’ve written.  Life has been full and God has been amazingly faithful.  And, as you all know, any of us could write volumes of testimonies of His faithfulness, couldn’t we?  As we said in the beginning when the Letters From...

Overcoming Evil with Good

From our Beloved FMM Family… My heart is filled with pain and sadness. I have deeply disturbing news to share concerning the bloodshed that continues to take place at the shopping mall being held by terrorists in Nairobi, Kenya, even as I write this. When my...

July and August 2013 Letter from Home

Dear Ones, As I finalized the July Family News I was again overwhelmed with gratitude to our amazing God for the way in which He has rolled out the red carpet for His disciples (us!) to not only know Him and His ways, but to get to know one another.  The covenant...

July 2013 Letter from Timothy

When I came to know in my heart how much God loves me, it compelled me to be about the Father's business. This is letting me know about His grace and unconditional love for me and for other people. It’s about being led by the Spirit of God and carrying out kingdom...

June, 2013 Letter From Home

Dear ones, It’s hard to believe we have another month gone and are already half way through the year.  Time is definitely advancing quickly and it reminds me of how critical our role is as disciples of the living God! As a starting place in this month’s letter, I’d...
