
Family News – September 2014

Dear Ones, We have here another month filled with testimonies of the abundant faithfulness of our God – reminders that no matter what the headlines say, no matter what our circumstances are – we have One who not only holds us in the palm of His hand, but has our names...

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Family News – August 2014

Dear Ones, As many of you know, this month marks the third anniversary of when the FMM family birthed here in Omaha, Nebraska, USA began connecting with others around the world.  What our Heavenly Father has accomplished in this short time can only be described as...

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Family News – June 2014

Dear Ones, [Yikes!! I just published the July Family News yesterday and noticed that I had neglected getting the June Family News published last month.  I am so sorry for the delay... here's more mail that will add to our praises - more testimonies of our Father's...

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Family News – July 2014

Dear Ones, Here we are again, rejoicing in our God and all that He is doing to redeem and restore people.  We continue to rejoice in what He is doing and the awesome privilege we have to share His greatness with one another!  Next month marks a milestone for FMM –...

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Family News – May 2014

Family News – May, 2014 My Dearest Brothers and Sisters, You will see in this month’s mail an amazing testimony of our God’s work in us and through us!  As we all sadly recall, one of our dear sisters lost her physical life this month through a tragic and unexpected...

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